
eGospodarka.plFinanseGrupypl.biznes.wgpwHow Linux Mastered Wall Street
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  • 1. Data: 2011-08-16 06:30:13
    Temat: How Linux Mastered Wall Street
    Od: "A. Filip" <>
    How Linux Mastered Wall Street
    Posted by Soulskill on Monday August 15, @07:27PM
    itwbennett writes "Linux has become a dominant player in finance [1]
    thanks to its ability to pass messages very quickly, said Linux kernel
    contributor Christoph Lameter. 'The trading shops saw that the
    lowest-latency solutions would only be possible with Linux,' Lameter
    said. 'The older Unixes couldn't move as fast as Linux did.' One key
    attribute was the TCP/IP stack, the configuration of which determines
    how fast a message can be passed between two systems. Linux also
    offers financial firms the ability to modify the source code to
    further speed performance. 'It depends on how daring the exchange is,'
    he said, noting that NASDAQ uses a modified version of the Gentoo
    Linux distribution. Lameter will discuss how Linux became widely
    adopted by financial exchanges at the LinuxCon conference in Vancouver
    this week."

    A. Filip : Twoje pieniądze + Twoje ryzyko = Twój zysk *albo* strata
    Od piwa głowa się kiwa.
    -- Przysłowie polskie (

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