
eGospodarka.plFinanseGrupypl.biznes.wgpwNowy/stary swiat- dla anglojezycznych
Ilość wypowiedzi w tym wątku: 1

  • 1. Data: 2011-03-18 09:09:00
    Temat: Nowy/stary swiat- dla anglojezycznych
    Od: fatso <>

    Ponizej moje wynurzenia na dzien dzisiejszy, zamieszczone na
    brytyjskiej grupie finansowej:

    fatso - 18 Mar'11 - 09:03 -

    So welcome to the new/old world:
    Germany refuses to partake in the punishing of Ghadafy by air strikes.
    In Poland it is said that the piggish face of the Colonel has more to
    with polish soldier at Tobruk during the Rommel Afrika Korps desert
    having mistaken Ghadafi mum for a goat then due to alleged sefardic
    jewish grandma's or italian officer dad's ancestry. One way or another
    those brave warriors from RAF on their flying machines will be able to
    remind the arab world pretty soon that it was them who subdued iraqui
    tribes with mustard gas all those 90 yrs ago. It was them who were the
    first teachers to Chemical Ali.
    So I do expect the warmonger Cameron and his smarmy side kick, Mr
    Hague, to land with the shit on their faces and the Germans the
    ultimate profiteers from the mess. The question is who is going to
    fill the black bags as I do not think the good british public has the
    stomach for it. Let us turn to the Poles for they are the eternal
    suckers of this world.
    Ah, welcome to the high price of gold as well- virtually guaranteed

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