
eGospodarka.plFinanseGrupypl.biznes.bankiPoleczenia widziane zza naszej granicy :)
Ilość wypowiedzi w tym wątku: 1

  • 1. Data: 2002-05-09 07:36:43
    Temat: Poleczenia widziane zza naszej granicy :)
    Od: "AMRA" <>

    Mergers Not Yet Over in Banking Sector
    Polish News Bulletin; May 8, 2002

    Nordea's take-over of LG Petro Bank has not yet brought an end to a chain of
    mergers and take-overs in Poland's banking sector. Analysts list a number of
    potential candidates, starting with Inteligo internet bank, rumoured as a
    potential partner for Commercial Union, which has been pondering over
    whether to open its own financial institution for over 2 years. Other banks
    described as "interesting" for foreign investors include BISE, Poznan's
    Invest-Bank, Lodz's Bank Przemyslowy, Bialystok's Bank Wschodni, and
    Lublin's Wschodni Bank Cukrownictwa. ING BSK and Pekao SA are mentioned
    respectively as potential investors for the latter two, yet the
    representatives of both potentates refuse to comment on such allegations.
    lkgr 8 May issue of Prawo i Gospodarka, p. 3

    za FT


    Amra the Freelancer

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