
eGospodarka.plFinanseGrupypl.biznes.banki › Nordea Spektrum - nowy ROR banku Nordea
Ilość wypowiedzi w tym wątku: 47

  • 11. Data: 2008-01-24 12:16:57
    Temat: Re: Nordea Spektrum - nowy ROR banku Nordea
    Od: adams99 <>

    Bartosz 'xbartx' Nowakowski pisze:

    > Zobacze jak wygląda www i jeżeli się spodoba to kto wie ;)

    A proszę bardzo :


  • 12. Data: 2008-01-24 17:43:29
    Temat: Re: Nordea Spektrum - nowy ROR banku Nordea
    Od: Wojciech Bancer <>

    He had only to say that he was the Messiah, if he had been vain; for the
    prophecies are clearer about him than about Jesus Christ. And the same with
    Saint John.

    753. Herod was believed to be the Messiah. He had taken away the sceptre
    from Judah but he was not of Judah. This gave rise to a considerable sect.

    Curse of the Greeks upon those who count three periods of time.

    In what way should the Messiah come, seeing that through Him the sceptre was
    to be eternally in Judah and at His coming the sceptre was to be taken away
    from Judah?

    In order to effect that seeing they should not see, and hearing they should
    not understand, nothing could be better done.

    754. Homo existens te Deum facit.149

    Scriptum est, Dii estis, et non potest solvi Scriptura.150

    Haec infirmitas non est ad vitam et est ad mortem.151

    Lazarus dormit, et deinde dixit: Lazarus mortuus est.152

    755. The apparent discrepancy of the Gospels.

    756. What can we have but reverence for a man who foretells plainly things
    which come to pass, and who declares his intention both to blind and to
    enlighten, and who intersperses obscurities among the clear things which
    come to pass?

    757. The time of the first advent was foretold; the time of the second is
    not so; because the first was to be obscure, and the second is to be
    brilliant and so manifest that even His enemies will recognise it. But, as
    He was first to come only in obscurity and to be known only of those who
    searched the Scriptures.

    758. God, in order to cause the Messiah to be known by the good and not to
    be known by the wicked, made Him to be foretold in this manner. If the
    manner of the Messiah had been clearly foretold, there would have been no
    obscurity, eve

  • 13. Data: 2008-01-24 18:28:37
    Temat: Re: Nordea Spektrum - nowy ROR banku Nordea
    Od: adams99 <>

    from their state at that
    time as they could be, when Jacob, dying, and blessing his twelve children,
    declared to them, that they would be proprietors of a great land, and
    foretold in particular to the family of Judah, that the kings, who would one
    day rule them, should be of his race; and that all his brethren should be
    their subjects; and that even the Messiah, who was to be the expectation of
    nations, should spring from him; and that the kingship should not be taken
    away from Judah, nor the ruler and law-giver of his descendants, till the
    expected Messiah should arrive in his family.

    This same Jacob, disposing of this future land as though he had been its
    ruler, gave a portion to Joseph more than to the others. "I give you," said
    he, "one part more than to your brothers." And blessing his two children,
    Ephraim and Manasseh, whom Joseph had presented to him, the elder, Manasseh,
    on his right, and the young Ephraim on his left, he put his arms crosswise,
    and placing his right hand on the head of Ephraim, and his left on Manasseh,
    he blessed them in this manner. And, upon Joseph's representing to him that
    he was preferring the younger, he replied to him with admirable resolution:
    "I know it well, my son; but Ephraim will increase more than Manasseh." This
    has been indeed so true in the result that, being alone almost as fruitful
    as the two entire lines which composed a whole kingdom, they have been
    usually called by the name of Ephraim alone.

    This same Joseph, when dying, bade his children carry his bones with them
    when they should go into that land to which they only came two hundred years

    Moses, who wrote all these things so long before they happened, himself
    assigned to each family portions of that land before they ent

  • 14. Data: 2008-01-24 18:34:33
    Temat: Re: Nordea Spektrum - nowy ROR banku Nordea
    Od: Mithos <>

    to say that matter knows itself. It is
    impossible to imagine how it should know itself.

    So, if we are simply material, we can know nothing at all; and if we are
    composed of mind and matter, we cannot know perfectly things which are
    simple, whether spiritual or corporeal. Hence it comes that almost all
    philosophers have confused ideas of things, and speak of material things in
    spiritual terms, and of spiritual things in material terms. For they say
    boldly that bodies have a tendency to fall, that they seek after their
    centre, that they fly from destruction, that they fear the void, that they
    have inclinations, sympathies, antipathies, all of which attributes pertain
    only to mind. And in speaking of minds, they consider them as in a place,
    and attribute to them movement from one place to another; and these are
    qualities which belong only to bodies.

    Instead of receiving the ideas of these things in their purity, we colour
    them with our own qualities, and stamp with our composite being all the
    simple things which we contemplate.

    Who would not think, seeing us compose all things of mind and body, but that
    this mixture would be quite intelligible to us? Yet it is the very thing we
    least understand. Man is to himself the most wonderful object in nature; for
    he cannot conceive what the body is, still less what the mind is, and least
    of all how a body should be united to a mind. This is the consummation of
    his difficult

  • 15. Data: 2008-01-24 19:45:54
    Temat: Re: Nordea Spektrum - nowy ROR banku Nordea
    Od: Bartosz 'xbartx' Nowakowski <>

    sceptre was not interrupted by the captivity in
    Babylon, because the return was promised and foretold.

    638. Proofs of Jesus Christ.--Captivity, with the assurance of deliverance
    within seventy years, was not real captivity. But now they are captives
    without any hope.

    God has promised them that, even though He should scatter them to the ends
    of the earth, nevertheless, if they were faithful to His law, He would
    assemble them together again. They are very faithful to it and remain

    639. When Nebuchadnezzar carried away the people, for fear they should
    believe that the sceptre had departed from Judah, they were told beforehand
    that they would be there for a short time, and that they would be restored.
    They were always consoled by the prophets; and their kings continued. But
    the second destruction is without promise of restoration, without prophets,
    without kings, without consolation, without hope, because the sceptre is
    taken away for ever.

    640. It is a wonderful thing, and worthy of particular attention, to see
    this Jewish people existing so many years in perpetual misery, it being
    necessary as a proof of Jesus Christ both that they should exist to prove
    Him and that they should be miserable because they crucified Him; and though
    to be miserable and to exist are contradictory, they nevertheless still
    exist in spite of their misery.

    641. They are visibly a people expressly created to serve as a witness to
    the Messiah (Isaiah 43:9; 44:8). They keep the books, and love them, and do
    not understand them. And all this was foretold; that God's judgments are
    entrusted to them, but as a sealed book.


    642. Proof of the

  • 16. Data: 2008-01-24 20:06:36
    Temat: Re: Nordea Spektrum - nowy ROR banku Nordea
    Od: Bartosz 'xbartx' Nowakowski <>

    to the corrupt will, in order that all that is corrupt in the
    nature of man may contribute to his conduct.

    908. But is it probable that probability gives assurance?

    Difference between rest and security of conscience. Nothing gives certainty
    but truth; nothing gives rest but the sincere search for truth.

    909. The whole society itself of their casuists cannot give assurance to a
    conscience in error, and that is why it is important to choose good guides.

    Thus they will be doubly culpable, both in having followed ways which they
    should not have followed, and in having listened to teachers to whom they
    should not have listened.

    910. Can it be anything but compliance with the world which makes you find
    things probable? Will you make us believe that it is truth and that, if
    duelling were not the fashion, you would find it probable that they might
    fight, considering the matter in itself.?

    911. Must we kill to prevent there being any wicked? This is to make both
    parties wicked instead of one. Vince in bono malum.227 (Saint Augustine.)

    912. Univers

  • 17. Data: 2008-01-24 20:51:21
    Temat: Re: Nordea Spektrum - nowy ROR banku Nordea
    Od: Mithos <>

    Bartosz 'xbartx' Nowakowski napisał(a):
    > Karta miesięcznie kosztuje 1,50 i przelew 0,60 gr więc całkiem nieźle jak
    > na darmowe bankomaty, chociaż ostatnio mi wyszło, że wypłacam już
    > naprawdę 2-3 razy na m-c, ale cóż nowy bank i nowe konto trzeba
    > sprawdzić ;)

    A mialo byc tak fajnie :) Przeciez teraz jest wszedzie pelno euronetow,
    bzwbk i innych, z ktorych np. kartami mBanku/Multi mozna wyplacac
    pieniadze darmowo. Trzeba miec jakas BARDZO podbramkowa sytuacje aby ww.
    bankomatu nie miec w poblizu (mialem moze taka raz w zyciu) i wole wtedy
    zaplacic 5 zl niz placic co miesiac 1.5/zl za karte. Tak wiec nowe konto
    Nordea to dla mnie zadna rewelacja, jeszcze gdyby wszystko bylo
    bezplatne, a tu 60 gr przelew, 1.5 zl za karte. Poza tym kolejne konto
    zdecydowanie nie jest mi do szczescia potrzebne... :)

    Osobiscie szukalem konta do wyplat z bankomatu. I ostatecznie chyba
    skonczy sie na mBanku bo wszystko darmowe, a gotowke wyplacam raz na
    miesiac. Do konta Multi niestety karty debetowej nie chce podpinac, bo
    czasem przewija sie tam sporo (jak dla mnie) $$ i nie chce ryzykowac. A
    jeszcze karta jest platna. Rozwazalem tez Inteligo, bo jednak bankomatow
    PKO BP jest sporo, szkoda tylko ze nie Inteligo nie umozliwia
    bezplatnych wyplat z Euronetow.

    Citi niestety idzie do kasacji razem z KK. Redukacja kont, redukcja KK.
    By zylo sie lepiej :)


  • 18. Data: 2008-01-24 21:08:28
    Temat: Re: Nordea Spektrum - nowy ROR banku Nordea
    Od: Bartosz 'xbartx' Nowakowski <>

    something roused by an enemy, and Satan, the old
    inhabitant, seems to exert himself, like a serpent disturbed and
    enraged. Many in such circumstances, have felt a great spirit of envy
    towards the godly, especially towards those who are thought to have been
    lately converted, and most of all towards acquaintances and companions,
    when they are thought to be converted. Indeed, some have felt many
    heart-risings against God, and murmurings at His way of dealing with
    mankind, and His dealings with themselves in particular. It has been
    much insisted on, both in public and private, that persons should have
    the utmost dread of such envious thoughts; which if allowed tend
    exceedingly to quench the Spirit of God, if not to provoke Him finally
    to forsake them. And when such a spirit has much prevailed, and persons
    have not so earnestly strove against it as they ought to have done, it
    has seemed to be exceedingly to the hindrance of the good of their
    souls. But in some other instances, where persons have been much
    terrified at the sight of such wickedness in their hearts, God has
    brought good to them out of evil; and made it a means of convincing them
    of their own desperate sinfulness, and bringing them off from all

    The drift of the Spirit of God in His legal strivings with persons, has
    seemed most evidently to be, to bring to a conviction of their absolute
    dependence on His sovereign power and grace, and an universal necessity
    of a mediator. This has been effected by leading them more and more to a
    sense of their exceeding wickedness and guiltiness in His sight; their
    pollution, and the insufficiency of their own righteousness; that they
    can in no wise help themselves, and that God would be wholly just and
    righteous in rejecting them and all t

  • 19. Data: 2008-01-24 22:29:55
    Temat: Re: Nordea Spektrum - nowy ROR banku Nordea
    Od: "max" <>

    > A mialo byc tak fajnie :) Przeciez teraz jest wszedzie pelno euronetow,
    > bzwbk i innych, z ktorych np. kartami mBanku/Multi mozna wyplacac
    > pieniadze darmowo. Trzeba miec jakas BARDZO podbramkowa sytuacje aby ww.
    > bankomatu nie miec w poblizu (mialem moze taka raz w zyciu) i wole wtedy
    > zaplacic 5 zl niz placic co miesiac 1.5/zl za karte. Tak wiec nowe konto
    > Nordea to dla mnie zadna rewelacja, jeszcze gdyby wszystko bylo bezplatne,
    > a tu 60 gr przelew, 1.5 zl za karte. Poza tym kolejne konto zdecydowanie
    > nie jest mi do szczescia potrzebne... :)

    Zgadza sie dla mnie tez to konto jest zbyt drogie jak na darmowe bankomaty,
    normalnie to polbank i euronet ale to i tak od swieta a jak trzeba gdzies
    to KK eurobanku 1zl za wyplate i szybko ja splacam

  • 20. Data: 2008-01-24 22:55:43
    Temat: Re: Nordea Spektrum - nowy ROR banku Nordea
    Od: Wojciech Bancer <>

    On 2008-01-24, Wojciech Bancer <> wrote:


    >> jakiej formie (przelew, wynagrodzenie, wpłata własna). Jedyne opłaty, z
    >> takich podstawowych, to przelew 60 gr i karta debetowa 1,5 zł / m-c.
    >> Zobacze jak wygląda www i jeżeli się spodoba to kto wie ;)
    > A można sobie tam przenieść konto wraz z limitem kredytowym?
    > Kurde. To już chyba 5 konto będzie... ;)

    Według informacji uzyskanych na infolinii:
    - nie da sie przenieść limitu konta odnawialnego z innego banku
    - do otrzymania takiego limitu potrzebne jest zaświadczenie o
    zarobkach, bądź też przedstawianie odpowiednich rozliczeń/KPiR
    (jeśli ktoś prowadzi działalność), ale nie dają gwarancji otrzymania
    identycznego limitu jak w poprzednim banku.

    Cóż. Na razie więc zostaję przy Multi. :)

    Wojciech Bańcer

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