
eGospodarka.plFinanseGrupypl.biznes.banki › ekonto, karta debetowa i placenie za bilety lotnicze
Ilość wypowiedzi w tym wątku: 10

  • 1. Data: 2008-01-24 14:09:10
    Temat: ekonto, karta debetowa i placenie za bilety lotnicze
    Od: Chewie <>

    Witam. Czy ktos wie moze, czy ta badziewna karta (z delfinem w dodatku
    ;/) nie mozna placic za bilety lotnicze na przyklad w Norwegian czy
    tylko mi cos nie idzie? Probowalem ze 100 razy. Kiedys uzywalem visy
    electron z Inteligo i dzialala zawsze ale teraz se zmienilem na bank
    elektroniczny niby no i mam problem.


  • 2. Data: 2008-01-24 14:21:26
    Temat: Re: ekonto, karta debetowa i placenie za bilety lotnicze
    Od: "Sinus" <>

    Chewie <> napisał(a):
    > Witam. Czy ktos wie moze, czy ta badziewna karta (z delfinem w dodatku
    > ;/) nie mozna placic za bilety lotnicze na przyklad w Norwegian czy
    > tylko mi cos nie idzie? Probowalem ze 100 razy. Kiedys uzywalem visy
    > electron z Inteligo i dzialala zawsze ale teraz se zmienilem na bank
    > elektroniczny niby no i mam problem.

    Delfinem nie zapłacisz. VE Inteligo to wyjątek, ma odblokowane transakcje


    Wysłano z serwisu Usenet w portalu ->

  • 3. Data: 2008-01-24 14:25:33
    Temat: Re: ekonto, karta debetowa i placenie za bilety lotnicze
    Od: "darnok" <>

    In news:fna6hm$ngo$, *Chewie* wrote:
    > Witam. Czy ktos wie moze, czy ta badziewna karta (z delfinem w dodatku
    > ;/) nie mozna placic za bilety lotnicze na przyklad w Norwegian czy
    > tylko mi cos nie idzie? Probowalem ze 100 razy. Kiedys uzywalem visy
    > electron z Inteligo i dzialala zawsze ale teraz se zmienilem na bank
    > elektroniczny niby no i mam problem.

    VE z mbanku nie udostepnia transakcji zdalnych mo/to/io.
    VE inteligo udostepnia.

    "TRAGEdia: A ja TRUskawki CUkrem..."

  • 4. Data: 2008-01-24 17:44:51
    Temat: Re: ekonto, karta debetowa i placenie za bilety lotnicze
    Od: "Sinus" <>

    in the beginning of her illness; but seemed to have satisfying evidences
    of God's mercy to her, before her death; so that she died very full of
    comfort, in a most earnest and moving manner warning and counselling
    others. This seemed to contribute to render solemn the spirits of many
    young persons; and there began evidently to appear more of a religious
    concern on people's minds.

    In the fall of the year I proposed it to the young people, that they
    should agree among themselves to spend the evenings after lectures in
    social religion, and to that end divide themselves into several
    companies to meet in various parts of the town; which was accordingly
    done, and those meetings have been since continued, and the example
    imitated by elder people. This was followed with the death of an elderly
    person, which was attended with many unusual circumstances, by which
    many were much moved and affected.

    About this time began the great noise, in this part of the country,
    about Arminianism, which seemed to appear with a very threatening aspect
    upon the interest of religion here. The friends of vital piety trembled
    for fear of the issue; but it seemed, contrary to their fear, strongly
    to be overruled for the promoting of religion. Many who looked on
    themselves as in a Christless condition, seemed to be awakened by it,
    with fear that God was about to withdraw from the land, and that we
    should be given up to heterodoxy and corrupt principles; and that then
    their opportunity for obtaining salvation would be past. Many who were
    brought a little to doubt about the truth of the doctrines they had
    hitherto been taught, seemed to have a kind of trembling fear with their
    doubts, lest they should be led into bypaths, to their eternal undoing;
    and they seemed, with much concern and engagedness of mind, to inquire
    what was indeed the way in which they must come to be accepted with God.
    There were some things said publicly on that occasion, concerning
    justification by faith alone.

    Although great faul

  • 5. Data: 2008-01-24 18:47:59
    Temat: Re: ekonto, karta debetowa i placenie za bilety lotnicze
    Od: "darnok" <>

    and indeed to boast of it.
    Can we think seriously of the importance of this subject without being
    horrified at conduct so extravagant?

    This resting in ignorance is a monstrous thing, and they who pass their life
    in it must be made to feel its extravagance and stupidity, by having it
    shown to them, so that they may be confounded by the sight of their folly.
    For this is how men reason, when they choose to live in such ignorance of
    what they are and without seeking enlightenment. "I know not," they say...

    196. Men lack heart; they would not make a friend of it.

    197. To be insensible to the extent of despising interesting things, and to
    become insensible to the point which interests us most.

    198. The sensibility of man to trifles, and his insensibility to great
    things, indicates a strange inversion.

    199. Let us imagine a number of men in chains and all condemned to death,
    where some are killed each day in the sight of the others, and those who
    remain see their own fate in that of their fellows and wait their turn,
    looking at each other sorrowfully and without hope. It is an image of the
    condition of men.

    200. A man in a dungeon, ignorant whether his sentence be pronounced and
    having only one hour to learn it, but this hour enough, if he knew that it
    is pronounced, to obtain its repeal, would act unnaturally in spending that
    hour, not in ascertaining his sentence, but in playing p

  • 6. Data: 2008-01-24 19:11:52
    Temat: Re: ekonto, karta debetowa i placenie za bilety lotnicze
    Od: "darek" <>

    Użytkownik "Sinus" w wiadomości:
    > Delfinem nie zapłacisz. VE Inteligo to wyjątek, ma odblokowane transakcje
    > MO/TO/IO.
    Wyjątków jest wiecej na czyli nie są to już wyjątki. VE Millennium, VE DB,
    VE Toyota Bank też mają odblokowane transakcje zdalne.


  • 7. Data: 2008-01-24 19:34:49
    Temat: Re: ekonto, karta debetowa i placenie za bilety lotnicze
    Od: "darek" <>

    and then, also, there was no time so prized as the
    Lord's day, and no place in this world so desired as God's house. Our
    converts then remarkably appeared united in dear affection to one
    another, and many have expressed much of that spirit of love which they
    felt toward all mankind; and particularly to those who had been least
    friendly to them. Never, I believe, was so much done in confessing
    injuries, and making up differences, as the last year. Persons, after
    their own conversion, have commonly expressed an exceeding great desire
    for the conversion of others. Some have thought that they should be
    willing to die for the conversion of any soul, though of one of the
    meanest of their fellow-creatures, or of their worst enemies; and many
    have, indeed, been in great distress with desires and longings for it.
    This work of God had also a good effect to unite the people's affections
    much to their minister.

    There are some persons whom I have been acquainted with, but more
    especially two, that belong to other towns, who have been swallowed up
    exceedingly with a sense of the awful greatness and majesty of God; and
    both of them told me to this purpose, that if, at the time, they had
    entertained the least fear that they were not at peace with this so
    great a God,

  • 8. Data: 2008-01-25 07:42:26
    Temat: Re: ekonto, karta debetowa i placenie za bilety lotnicze
    Od: jureq <>

    Dnia Thu, 24 Jan 2008 20:11:52 +0100, darek napisał(a):

    > Użytkownik "Sinus" w wiadomości:
    > Wyjątków jest wiecej na czyli nie są to już wyjątki. VE Millennium, VE DB,
    > VE Toyota Bank też mają odblokowane transakcje zdalne.

    Dodałbym VE Polbank.

  • 9. Data: 2009-02-19 09:11:32
    Temat: Re: ekonto, karta debetowa i placenie za bilety lotnicze
    Od: "buba88" <>

    A nie wiecie jak jest z BZWBK? Bo ja specjalnie założyłem w tym banku niedawno konto
    tylko po to żeby opłacać bilety, a jak Wy piszecie że może być zablokowane to jestem
    Wiadomość wysłana z serwisu Zajrzyj na

  • 10. Data: 2009-02-19 10:23:38
    Temat: Re: ekonto, karta debetowa i placenie za bilety lotnicze

    On 19 Lut, 10:11, "buba88" <> wrote:
    > A nie wiecie jak jest z BZWBK? Bo ja specjalnie założyłem w tym banku niedawno
    konto tylko po >to żeby opłacać bilety, a jak Wy piszecie że może być zablokowane to
    jestem załamany...
    VE BZWBK można już płacić. Czasem także Maestro.

    ale jeśli chcesz tylko płacić to może lepsza będzie jakaś tania, łatwa
    do uzyskania, KK od zakładania konta?

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