1. Data: 2011-06-15 22:14:30
Temat: Technical Analysis Software - Discount 30%
Od: Forex Club <c...@y...com>
6000 technical analysis programs, indicators, trading systems (21 DVD
3000 books, courses, seminars (52 DVD RAR-archives)
10-20 June 2011 - Discount 30%
TOP 25:
TradeStation 9.0 + OwnData 3.0
OmniTrader 2011 RT and VisualTrader 7.0 (all add-ons + courses,
seminars) 7 CDs
Dynamic Trader 6.0
MetaStock Pro 11.0 RT for eSignal and more that 200 plug-ins
Ocean Combo for TS by Jim Sloman + eBook + video-course
MultiCharts 6.0 + all add-ons
NinjaTrader 6.5 / 7.0 and all add-ons
MTPredictor 6.5 RT
Elwave 9.5C
KwikPop 7.1
NetPicks 3.9
VantagePoint 8.1
BioComp Profit 8.04
BioComp Dakota RT 2.10
TTM - all indicators and systems
The Harmonic Analyzer 6.0
Refined Elliott Trader 1.13.2 Autotrader + PowerPack
Advanced Get for Esignal 10 (open code)
Market Delta 10.3.9
NeuroShell 5.7 and add-ons
NexGen T-3 Fib ProTrader
The Ultimate Trading Machine Complete Set of Courses, TS Indicators &
Daily Updates
InvestorRT 10.3.12
Trade Guider RT 4.0
OpenQuant 2.9.2
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CD/DVD-package or single programs,
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Support of installation.
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