1. Data: 2007-06-20 08:51:43
Temat: openbank.es
Od: "MarekZ" <m...@t...irc.pl>
Czy mi się wydaje, czy obecnie Openbank wymaga bezwzględnie posiadania
hiszpańskiego adresu (nie wysyłają dokumentów związanych z otwarciem
rachunku poza Hiszpanię)? Bo znajomy dostał od nich taką oto odpowiedź:
It takes us pleasure to indicate that you can open a Current Account
in Openbank only if complies the following requirements:
* Be of legal age.
* Have a document of identity in effect.
* Include an address in Spanish territory, at that we will send the
contracts of their Account, that will be delivered only and
exclusively to the holders of the Account. It is absolutely necessary
to have an address in Spain because we will send there all the
contracts of their Account. Otherwise it is not possible.
To be able to hire your Current Account:
* Access to our web page.
* Press on " Hágase Cliente (Become a client) " placed in the top
left part of the screen
If you wish you can open it also by telephone, in the 902 365 366 (or
in +34 91 3309000, if you call us from the abroad), where we
will be delighted to attend you.
It is absolutely necessary to have an adress in Spain because we will
send there all the contracts of their Account. Otherwise it is not
We also inform you that our web page only is available in Spanish.
We stay to your disposition for any other question that you want us
to make.
Kindest regards,
Customer Services
Można tam naturalnie polecieć i otworzyć w oddziale, ale czy są może jakieś
lepsze opcje?