
Ilość wypowiedzi w tym wątku: 12

  • 11. Data: 2004-06-02 21:19:59
    Temat: Re: Iban
    Od: AP <>

    In article <
    t>, says...
    > In article <>,
    > says...
    > > > witam!
    > > > dostałam dziś do wypełnienia przelew międzynarodowy z banku francuskiego
    > > > i w miejscu na Iban jest podana liczba znaków 34. Jakoś ja się nie mogę
    > > > doliczyć tylu znaków w moim kodzie. O co chodzi?
    > > > urszula
    > > Może pozostawili tyle kratek, żeby zmieściły się wszelkie możliwe IBANy?
    > > Dla Polski IBAN ma zawsze 28 znaków (PL, a potem NRB). No chyba, że w kratkach
    > > trzeba wpisywać również spacje, ale to byłoby conajmniej dziwne.
    > Hmm.... wydawalo mi sie, ze Polska wybrala najdluzszy numer konta (?)
    > wlasnei sprawdzilem ... no i odszczekuje. Stanrad IBAN ma DO 32


  • 12. Data: 2004-06-02 21:22:29
    Temat: wiecej o IBAN (po angielsku)
    Od: AP <>

    What are IBANs and BICs?

    The Regulation is also intended to help banks automate their transfer
    systems. An International Bank Account Number (IBAN) and a Bank
    Identifier Code (BIC) are the prerequisites of automation and so the
    customer must supply these data.

    IBAN is the international bank account number of the payment
    beneficiary. Existing bank account numbering systems are strictly
    national and do not include any particulars indicating the country in
    which an account is located. The IBAN standard consists simply in each
    account number being preceded by a group of four characters: two letters
    identifying the country, like an international telephone number, and two
    figures enabling the IBAN to be checked in order to avoid transcription
    errors. It comprises a maximum of 34 characters but has a fixed length
    per country, i.e. 16 characters in Belgium and 27 in France.

    IBAN example
    Austria AT617601300035746811
    Belgium BE62510007547061
    Denmark DK5000400440116243
    Finland FI2112345600000785
    France FR1420041010050500013M02606
    Germany DE8937040044532013000
    Greece GR1601101250000000012300695
    Ireland IE29AIBK93115212345678
    Italy IT40S0542811101000000123456
    Luxembourg LU280019400644750000
    Netherlands NL39RABO0300065264
    Portugal PT50000201231234567890154
    Spain ES0700120345030000067890
    Sweden SE3550000000054910000003
    United Kingdom GB29NWBK60161331926819

    The BIC (Bank Identifier Code) simply designates the payment
    beneficiary's bank. It adds to the information provided by the IBAN
    code. It usually consists of 11 characters, but sometimes only 8. The
    BIC is also known as the SWIFT code or address.

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