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From: plusz <g...@p...com>
Newsgroups: pl.biznes.banki
Subject: ABA/ Routing number w Multibanku
Date: Wed, 13 Jun 2007 08:35:02 -0000
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[ ukryj nagłówki ]Chcę otrzymać przelew z USA do Multibanku - konto w UDS.
W formularzu mam do wypełnienia pola:
ABA/ Routing number
Account number
Co ciekawe Account number ma mieć 15 znaków.
Komentarz nad formularzem:
Non-U.S. banks cannot receive wire transfers directly from this
system. These institutions utilize an intermediary relationship with a
U.S. bank, which is eligible to receive funds. This bank will transfer
the money to your financial institution, and deposit the funds into
your account.
If you wish to transfer your funds to a Non-U.S. bank, you should
contact that institution and inquire about the steps you should take
in order to set up wire instructions properly.
Please enter the ABA/routing number of the intermediary(clearing) U.S.
Bank that your financial institution will use to transfer your funds.
If you do not know the routing number of the bank, please contact your
financial institution in order to obtain this information.
Wysłałem pytanie do Multibanku, ale nie wiem, czy czytają emaile. A
infolinii nie chcę zabierać czasu, bo pewnie nie będą wiedzieć. W FAQ
nie ma.
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