
eGospodarka.plFinanseGrupypl.biznes.bankiCitibank - blokuje info o problemach z bezpieczenstwem
Ilość wypowiedzi w tym wątku: 1

  • 1. Data: 2003-02-21 09:26:54
    Temat: Citibank - blokuje info o problemach z bezpieczenstwem
    Od: Sterowany ludojad <>

    Wczoraj na BugtraQ pokazasł się post informujący o próbie zablokowania
    przez Citibank informacji o potencjalnej dziurze w bezpieczeństwie kart
    Chodzi o to, że pracownicy Citibanku mogą w banalny sposób (jak twierdzi
    autor) zdobyć PIN-y do kart płatniczych klientów Citibank.

    >Citibank is trying to get an order in the High Court today gagging
    >public disclosure of crypto vulnerabilities:
    >I have written to the judge opposing the order:
    >The background is that my student Mike Bond has discovered some
    >horrendous vulnerabilities in the cryptographic equipment
    >used to protect the PINs used to identify customers to cash
    >These vulnerabilities mean that bank insiders can almost
    >find out the PINs of any or all customers. The discoveries
    >while Mike and I were working as expert witnesses on a
    >withdrawal' case.
    >The vulnerabilities are also scientifically
    >For the last couple of years or so there has been a
    >rising tide of
    >phantoms. I get emails with increasing frequency
    >from people all over
    >the world whose banks have debited them for ATM
    >withdrawals that they
    >deny making. Banks in many countries simply
    >claim that their systems
    >are secure and so the customers must be
    >responsible. It now looks like
    >some of these vulnerabilities have also been
    >discovered by the bad
    >guys. Our courts and regulators should make
    >the banks fix their
    >systems, rather than just lying about
    >security and dumping the costs
    >on the customers.
    >Curiously enough, Citi was also the bank
    >in the case that set US law
    >on phantom withdrawals from ATMs (Judd v
    >Citibank). They lost. I hope
    >that's an omen, if not a precedent ...
    >Ross Anderson

    Co sądzić o banku, który stara się blokować takie informacje?

    Pozdrowienia dla babci Helenki

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