
eGospodarka.plFinanseGrupypl.biznes.bankiO Pekao jeszczeO Pekao jeszcze
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    From: "Michał 'Amra' Macierzyński" <>
    Newsgroups: pl.biznes.banki
    Subject: O Pekao jeszcze
    Date: Wed, 2 Jul 2003 13:21:13 +0200
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    [ ukryj nagłówki ]

    My tu hahaha z Pekao SA ;) a najnowsze wydanie BusinessWeeka (edycja
    europejska) zailczyla prezes Wisniewska (jeszcze z Polakow jest Wrobel
    z Orlenu) do 25 gwiazd europejskiego managementu! :)

    Hans Verkoren
    Chief Executive, ING Direct, Netherlands

    Judith Boynton
    Chief Financial Officer, Royal Dutch/Shell Group, Britain

    Valery Kargin, Viktor Krasovitsky
    Founders, Parex, Latvia

    Maria Wisniewska
    Chief Executive, Bank Pekao, Poland

    Mehmet Dalman
    Member of Managing Board, Commerzbank, Germany

    Manuela Ferreira Leite
    Finance Minister, Portugal

    Maria Wisniewska
    Chief Executive, Bank Pekao, Poland

    When Maria Wisniewska took over Poland's Bank Pekao five years ago, it
    was little more than a disorganized jumble of four former state-owned
    banks that had been merged by government fiat. Its computer systems
    weren't compatible and it was grossly overstaffed, with 25,000
    employees spread across 564 branches.

    Feisty, forthright, and as articulate in English as she is in Polish,
    Wisniewska quickly set to work melding the banks into a smoothly
    operating unit. How? By "taking the best features from each bank and
    integrating them into all of them," she says. Wisniewska slashed the
    workforce to 17,800 and spent much of the proceeds of a $100 million
    capital injection from the European Bank for Reconstruction &
    Development in merging and upgrading the computer systems and
    reorganizing the bank. In 1998, she oversaw the successful listing of
    the bank's shares on the Warsaw Stock Exchange. It was largely
    Wisniewska's dynamism that tempted Italy's UniCredito Italiano to take
    a controlling stake in Pekao the following year. Today, Pekao is
    Poland's most powerful financial institution, controlling one-fifth of
    the country's banking assets. German insurance giant Allianz and the
    EBRD are also major shareholders.

    Wisniewska brought years of financial experience to the job. A
    graduate of the Economic University in Poznan, she quickly rose up
    through the ranks of Wielkopolski Bank Kredytowy, eventually becoming
    vice-president. She then became president of Skarbiec, a mutual-fund
    company. It was during her stint there that she came to the attention
    of officials who were charged with creating Pekao and preparing it for

    Wisniewska, 43, has certainly met everyone's expectations. What's
    more, her tough style and cost-cutting ways have made her a star with
    Pekao shareholders -- especially the big ones in Munich and Milan --
    who have watched the bank's stock price almost double since

    Michal 'Amra' Macierzynski - swiat e-bankowosci

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