
eGospodarka.plFinanseGrupypl.biznes.wgpwRe: 10 wykresow ktorych Zlotousty Doradca Finansowy wam nie pokazeRe: 10 wykresow ktorych Zlotousty Doradca Finansowy wam nie pokaze
  • Data: 2010-05-24 07:10:35
    Temat: Re: 10 wykresow ktorych Zlotousty Doradca Finansowy wam nie pokaze
    Od: fatso <> szukaj wiadomości tego autora
    [ pokaż wszystkie nagłówki ]

    Jan Werbin'ski wrote:
    > Zamiast dmuchac' nape;cznia?y balon ze z?otem, lepiej kupic' kawa?ek
    > ugoru. z.eby tanio, a nie jak przep?acali frajerzy z
    > rejestracjami zaczynaja;cymi sie; na W czy P topia;cy fortuny. W razie
    > prawdziwego kryzysu zawsze cos' zasadzic' i jakos' przez.yc'.
    > Wtedy Ty Fatso g?odny przyjedziesz do mnie i be;dziesz prosi?, z.ebym
    > przyja;? te bezwartos'ciowe krugerrandy za pare; kilo ziemniaków.
    > ;)
    Koles, zaloz kompanie wydobycia 200 ton ruskiego zlota z bajkalu to sie

    Nie mam czasu tlumaczyc ale tu jest cos co przed chwila napisalem po

    fatso <pby.php?user=fatso>* - 24 May'10 - 08:04 - 84470 of 84470 edit

    Anybody for the russian language story of the mystery of
    200 mt of tsarist gold?

    The story is as follows: tsarist gold, 1240 mt of it, has been divided
    into two
    portions and 500 mt of it hidden in Kazan. This portion fell into the
    hands of White Army of Admiral Koltchak. Other parties were after this
    gold also. Bolsheviks of course, wily french General, leader of the
    league of interventionists. And most certainly the Czech military units
    formed from the PoWs in the Siberia. The Czechs, having grabbed the
    gold, 200 mt of it, lost interest in the brotherly love-in with the
    Russians, made a run for the Pacific coast.
    They betrayed Admiral to the bolsheviks to gain the free passage.
    Admiral Koltchak was shot but the Czechs with their loot did not go far
    either. Lenin was after the gold himself and he ordered the railway rout
    to be mined. Eventually the gold train while passing the Baikal lake,
    the deepest lake in the world, hit the huge boulder dislodged by
    bolshevik partisans. It derailed and went down the depth, the gold
    probably some 1 km below the surface.
    The french general, an acknowledged swine by the look of things, got his
    just desserts as well. Upon landing at the terminus on the Pacific coast
    he was met by no guard of honour. Lonely russian white officer stepped
    forward and cast under his feet 30 silver Judas coins.

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