
eGospodarka.plFinanseGrupypl.biznes.wgpw15 u zorroRe: 15 u zorro
  • Data: 2009-10-12 09:45:40
    Temat: Re: 15 u zorro
    Od: Tomasz Znakimo <> szukaj wiadomości tego autora
    [ pokaż wszystkie nagłówki ]

    george wrote:

    > "Tomasz Znakimo" <> wrote in message
    > news:haugfo$76u$
    >> Ktos moze mi powiedziec co zorro wkleil na swoim blogu? Po angielsku
    >> jakies
    >> bajki . cos o 15 października. To jakas strona z horoskopami czy co?
    > jakies bdury,
    > george
    Rob Waters at Hatewatch happened to catch the above short-lived video the
    other day:

    It advises President Obama and other prominent people (?Our Dear Leader
    and co.?) to ?leave now and give us our country back? and to do so by next

    ?If you stay,? the silent video message continues, ? ?We, The People?
    will systematically dismantle you, destroy you and reclaim what is
    rightfully ours. ?

    ?We are angry and we are ready to take back the rights of the people. We
    will fight and We will win. ?

    ?Dead line [sic] for your national response: October 15, 2009

    ?Thank you to all patriots who support our cause. ? Be prepared for when
    the fateful day of the declaration of war is nationally announced.?

    As the post notes in an update, the video was taken down shortly after it
    appeared on the SPLC site with no explanation. However, we managed to
    capture it before then and have reproduced it here in its original form,
    with a C&L tag at the end.

    The "National Militia, Soldiers of Freedom" is not a known organization of
    any kind. Most likely it is some guy sitting in his basement.

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