
eGospodarka.plFinanseGrupypl.biznes.bankiRe: 2guys1cup
Ilość wypowiedzi w tym wątku: 1

  • 1. Data: 2008-01-24 18:44:13
    Temat: Re: 2guys1cup

    he has given religion in it, and has lain low before God and man for it.

    After these things, the instances of conversion were rare here in
    comparison of what they had before been, though that remarkable instance
    before noticed of the little child, was after this. The Spirit of God,
    not long after this time, appeared very sensibly withdrawing from all
    parts of the country, though we have heard of the work going on in some
    places of Connecticut, and that it continues to be carried on even to
    this day. But religion remained here, and I believe in some other
    places, the main subject of conversation for several months after. And
    there were some turns, wherein God's work seemed to revive, and we were
    ready to hope that all was going to be renewed again; yet, in the main,
    there was a gradual decline of that general, engaged, lively spirit in
    religion, which had been. Several things have happened since, which have
    diverted people's minds, and turned their conversation more to other
    affairs; particularly his Excellency the Governor's coming up, and the
    Committee of general court, on the treaty with the Indians. -Afterwards,
    the Springfield controversy; and since that, our people in this town
    have been engaged in the building of a new meeting-house. So

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