1. Data: 2008-01-24 19:06:11
Temat: Re: 2guys1cup
Od: n...@p...org
to mistake a man raised from the
While Jesus Christ was with them, He could sustain them. But, after that, if
He did not appear to them, who inspired them to act?
803. The beginning.--Miracles enable us to judge of doctrine, and doctrine
enables us to judge of miracles.
There are false miracles and true. There must be a distinction, in order to
know them; otherwise they would be useless. Now they are not useless; on the
contrary, they are fundamental. Now the rule which is given to us must be
such that it does not destroy the proof which the true miracles give of the
truth, which is the chief end of the miracles.
Moses has given two rules: that the prediction does not come to pass (Deut.
18.), and that they do not lead to idolatry (Deut. 13.); and Jesus Christ
If doctrine regulates miracles, miracles are useless for doctrine.
If miracles regulate...
Objection to the rule.--The distinction of the times. One rule during the
time of Moses, another at present.
804. Miracle.--It is an effect, which exceeds the natural power of the means
which are employed for it; and what is not a miracle is an effect, which
does not exceed the natural