
eGospodarka.plFinanseGrupypl.biznes.bankiCommerzbank open to merger talksRe: Commerzbank open to merger talks
  • Data: 2004-02-18 20:01:23
    Temat: Re: Commerzbank open to merger talks
    Od: "Aleksander Cislak" <> szukaj wiadomości tego autora
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    To chyba żle siadczy o kondycji gospodarki niemiackiej i powiązań z

    Użytkownik "Michał 'Amra' Macierzyński" <>
    napisał w wiadomości news:c100he$2i8$
    > za DPA
    > Commerzbank reported Wednesday that it lost EUR 2.32 billion euros in 2003
    > with bank chief Klaus-Peter Mueller saying the Frankfurt-based institution
    > was open to merger talks.
    > In the end the 2003 result was slightly higher than what banking industry
    > analysts had been forecasting, but the bank now is back on the road to
    > profitability.
    > "After 2003 was a year of consolidation for us, 2004 will be a year of
    > upswing with controlled expansion," said Mueller.
    > Remarking on persistent speculation about Commerzbank being a target for
    > takeover or merger, he said the bank continues to plan to operate
    > independently, while remaining "open" to outside interests.
    > calosc na PRnewsie

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