
eGospodarka.plFinanseGrupypl.biznes.bankiCzy jest gdzieś teraz promocja na przeniesienie KKRe: Czy jest gdzieś teraz promocja na przeniesienie KK
  • Data: 2008-01-24 18:09:15
    Temat: Re: Czy jest gdzieś teraz promocja na przeniesienie KK
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    congregation of the Rev. Mr.
    Lord, the minister there; who, with the Rev. Mr. Owen, of Groton, came
    up hither in May, the last year, on purpose to see the work of God.
    Having heard various and contradictory accounts of it, they were careful
    when here to satisfy themselves; and to that end particularly conversed
    with many of our people; which they declared to be entirely to their
    satisfaction; and that the one half had not been told them, nor could be
    told them. Mr. Lord told me that, when he got home, he informed his
    congregation of what he had seen, and that they were greatly affected
    with it; and that it proved the beginning of the same work amongst them,
    which prevailed till there was a general awakening, and many instances
    of persons, who seemed to be remarkably converted. I also have lately
    heard that there has been something of the work at Woodbury.

    But this shower of divine blessing has been yet more extensive: there
    was no small degree of it in some part of the Jerseys; as I was informed
    when I was at New York (in a long journey I took at that time of the
    year for my health), by some people of the Jerseys, whom I saw.
    Especially the Rev. William Tennent,

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