
eGospodarka.plFinanseGrupypl.biznes.bankiKomu zglosic lub przeslac moze do CITIRe: Komu zglosic lub przeslac moze do CITI
  • Data: 2004-09-03 20:12:49
    Temat: Re: Komu zglosic lub przeslac moze do CITI
    Od: "MK" <> szukaj wiadomości tego autora
    [ pokaż wszystkie nagłówki ]

    "Al501" <> wrote in message
    > Witam przegladam skrzynke email a tam takie cos

    Info o takich mailach nalezy przekazywac do zainteresowanych bankow lub....
    Report Phishing

    ** The Anti-Phishing Working Group is a volunteer organization. Due to the
    significant increase in phishing volumes and reports, there may be some
    delay in processing your phishing reports and membership requests. **

    We are building a repository of phishing scam emails and websites to help
    people identify and avoid being scammed in the future. If you have received
    a phishing email and would like to submit it to Anti-Phishing Working Group,
    please send it to We will review the
    message and any websites to which it links, and post it to the Phishing
    Archive on this site.Instructions for Submitting Phishing EmailAssuming you
    use Outlook or Netscape:

    1.. Create a new mail to
    2.. Drag and drop the phishing email from your inbox onto this new email
    a.. In Netscape drop it on the 'attachment' area
    3.. Do not use "forward" if you can help it, as this approach loses
    information and requires more manual processing. The exception is when you
    use the Web interface to outlook: in that case forward is the only solution.
    kazde zaraportowanie proby wyludzenia danych moze pomoc w zlapaniu oszustow


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