
eGospodarka.plFinanseGrupypl.biznes.bankiPayPalRe: PayPal
  • Data: 2002-09-07 13:25:29
    Temat: Re: PayPal
    Od: "PB" <> szukaj wiadomości tego autora
    [ pokaż wszystkie nagłówki ]

    To jest list który dostałem w odpowiedzi na pytanie kiedy będzie można
    korzystać z ich usług w Polsce oraz na pytanie kiedy mi przeleją zablokowane
    środki :-)

    pani Linda niestety nie odniosła się do drugiej części mojego pytania :-(
    całe szczęście że to tylko 40 USD

    Dear Pawel,

    Thank you for contacting PayPal. We apologize for the delay in responding
    to your service request.

    Thank you for contacting us with your comments about our International

    We look forward to expanding our services to additional countries in the
    future. Establishing our service in each new country involves complex
    changes due to different regulations in each of these countries. Our
    International Team is working hard to expand our services as rapidly as

    At this time, International Membership is available to residents of the
    following countries:

    *Anguilla *Argentina *Australia *Austria *Belgium *Brazil *Canada
    *Chile *China *Costa Rica *Denmark *Dominican Republic *Finland
    *France *Germany *Greece *Hong Kong *Iceland *India *Ireland *Israel
    *Italy *Jamaica *Japan *Luxembourg *Mexico *Netherlands *New Zealand
    *Norway *Portugal *Singapore *South Korea *Spain *Sweden *Switzerland
    *Taiwan *United Kingdom

    Please continue to check our website for updates and features regarding
    International Membership. We apologize for the inconvenience this has
    caused you.

    Thank you for your interest in PayPal -- the fastest, easiest, and safest
    way to send money in the world!

    If you have any further questions, please feel free to contact us again.

    PayPal Customer Service

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