
eGospodarka.plFinanseGrupypl.biznes.bankiPayPal a PolskaRe: PayPal a Polska
  • Data: 2004-12-04 17:46:04
    Temat: Re: PayPal a Polska
    Od: "Walter Lui" <> szukaj wiadomości tego autora
    [ pokaż wszystkie nagłówki ]

    "Patek" <> wrote in message
    > PayPal now has over 56 million accounts in 45 countries. When you offer
    > PayPal, you tap into an extensive buyer network that prefers PayPal as a
    > fast, easy, and secure way to pay online.
    > a.. More than 53,000 customers sign up for a PayPal account every day
    > a.. PayPal accountholders transact an average of $4.4 billion through
    > PayPal
    > every quarter. That's $2 million per hour, and $48 million a day
    > Kiedy bedzie w Polsce?

    Nie bedzie...Kraj wysokiego ryzyka i tyle....

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