Data: 2010-07-11 13:56:55
Temat: Re: Po wyborach
Od: fatso <f...@n...com> szukaj wiadomości tego autora
[ pokaż wszystkie nagłówki ]ron wrote:
> a żyć trzeba dalej, ale jak widać, koledzy uzdolnieni
> w obwieszczaniu swoich preferencji politycznych szczekaniem,
> skutecznie pozbawili tę grupe trzonu. A szkoda, było tu wielu
> wartościowych opinio-dawców. Może niezawisła postawa seniora-założyciela
> grupy, Fatso, da do myślenia tym, którzy tak lekko się poddali.
> Panowie, nie dajcie się motłochowi, tak przyjemnie sie Was czytało.
Kolega ron zyskal u mnie maly plus dodatni bo jestem lasy na pochwaly.
tak jest, najwazniejsze to nie isc za slepym chrumkaniem Motlochu ale stanac
z boku i dac swoj niezalezny Orla Krolewski Krzyk. Zawsze i wszedzie.
Ponizej cytuje z emigranckiej sciepy moja Proze Zycia gdzie niedawno,
w obronie wlasnego Honoru, wznioslem sie na wyzyny moich zdolnosci
w jezyku Barda. Tym ktorych sie boja i drza przed tym scierwem niczym
liscie wybitny medycy, profesorowie w Anglii- ja im dalem Znak.
Znak nie tajemny ale znany kazdemu kibicowi pilki noznej, Chuj wam w
Dupe- ten
slynny Salut Angielski ze srodkowym palcem w gore.
Oto jak zakrakalem:
Nie wiem czy nasz sciepowy Bohun jest w stanie to zrozumiec ale uwazam,
ze moja proze powinni studiowac
na akademiach medycznych w Polsce. Tekst poszedl w obieg wsrod
specjalistow wyzszej rangi tutaj,
dzieki hr Mendeweszowi ktory ma koneksje wsrod ludzi co sa w medycznych
podrecznikach, nie tylko je pisza
swoja praca. Ci ludzie z reguly b. nie lubia GMC, uwazaja owa dintojre
za bande prawnikow sluzacych wlasnym interesom
+ lekarzy, ktorzy nie lecza a urzeduja.
No i efekt w samej Centrali byl bombowy: "shit hit the fan" jak tu mowia
-gowno trafilo w wiatraczek i sie rozbryzgnelo
mocno na boki. Najpierw grobowa cisza a pozniej wiadomosc, ze najwyzsze
autorytety prawne, za kosztowna oplata, wydaly
swoja opinie w wyniku czego Rada spiekla raka i wycofuje sie okrakiem.
Jak to powiedzial stary Winston, zasluzenie Laureat Nobla z literatury?
To nie zwyciestwo, nawet nie poczatek zwyciestwa ale
koniec Poczatku w tej walce.
Dlatego zalecam ponizszy tekst wszystkim studentom medycyny:
Dr Christopher R Robak
Adjudication Coordinator
Fitness to Practice Directorate
General Medical Council
Fitness to Practice Panel- invitation to participate in the proceedings.
Dear Madam,
I am in the receipt of your letter date 22/02/2010 in which you invite
me to participate in the proceedings in my case, as instigated by
Kingston PCT. In particular you invite me to partake
in the tele-conference as a Stage 1 of your deliberations.
Regrettably I have to inform you that I am not prepared to take part in
this freak show as I am neither an Elephant Man nor a Woman with Three
Breasts, thus unworthy of your amusement.
Besides I have come to the opinion after two previous encounters in
person with the Panel of General Medical Council that the result of your
forthcoming proceedings is a foregone conclusion and that I cannot hope
to obtain justice in this country.
I invite you to draw upon my statement to the GMC panel as expressed in
person in November 2009. If memory serves me well I did:
* Express my outrage at Kingston PCT and Local Care Direct of West
Yorkshire at trampling upon my basic human right by wilfully misleading
me as to the cause of death of the patient, Mrs F., the cause of my
initial suspension.
* Express my outrage at lies and distortions as presented by Kingston
PCT in my case. I believe my advice to Mrs F. on the fateful night,
albeit based on the mistaken diagnosis and inadequate examination, could
be perfectly acceptable in different circumstances. To present me as
ignoramus in those circumstances was an act of foul betrayal by a fellow
professional, one Dr Philip Moore for Kingston PCT.
* Inform the GMC Panel of my impeccable service record as registered
medical practitioner
in this country since 1975. Informed GMC Panel(which they knew already
from their investigations) that I have had nothing but letters of praise
from two employing me agencies and the complaints made to Local Care
Direct were vigorously contested in timely and exhaustive manner. In one
trivial case I have had to apologise, in others I stood my ground and
indeed, I am proud of my actions as a general practitioner. In the case
of death of Mrs F. I have provided immediately an unsolicited full
deposition by which I stand.
* Express my outrage at the vindictive nature of the terms of GMC
suspension. I have volunteered to restrain my medical practice to work
for private establishment in Surrey,
a diet clinic for whom I did work for the last 20 years. GMC Panel in
June 2009 in their wisdom decreed that I have to be suspended as "danger
to patients and myself" and did not change their view in spite of my
employers sending begging letters on my behalf.
* In view of the above I have demanded of General Medical Council during
their November hearing to put on the table firm evidence that I have
ever harmed a patient in this country, by any act of commission or
omission. Lawyers for the GMC failed to do so.
* I have invited two medically qualified members of the GMC Panel during
June 2008 hearing to comment upon the cause of death of Mrs F., the
reason for my initial suspension.
You will note that both declined, and rightly so as I have proved to
them, quotation in hand that I could not possibly be blamed for her
death. The cretinous answer of the Chairman of the Panel was, at the
time: Doctor, which textbook you quote from? I put him down giving the
answer seemingly quite above his station.
Dear Madam, the question of my health arises in your letter. I have
provided again and again, evidence of my general practitioner that I am
no prey to substance abuse. You are welcome to enquire, however often
you want. I have no psychiatric record either but kindly refer to my
deposition last November, a copy of my Appeal to the Lord Chief Justice
in which I did volunteer to undergo psychiatric examination for forensic
reasons only should it be required. I do remain happily married and do
sleep well.
I appreciate fully that your employers, General Medical Council, so bent
on my ultimate destruction but at the same time lacking in any decent
hard evidence against me, will be disappointed. Any evidence in my
favour to-date studiously ignored, they intended to sit salivating like
Pavlovian dogs, hoping to catch a morsel of self incrimination from me.
Well, it is not to be exept for the above letter, of course.
Do your damnest and be done with.
Yours sincerely
K R Robak
Copy to: Mr Jonathan Ungoed-Thomas, Senior News reporter, The Sunday Times
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