
eGospodarka.plFinanseGrupypl.biznes.wgpwZloto w gore bo Chinczycy dorzynaja dolaraRe: Zloto w gore bo Chinczycy dorzynaja dolara
  • Data: 2009-09-07 15:42:37
    Temat: Re: Zloto w gore bo Chinczycy dorzynaja dolara
    Od: Charlie delta <> szukaj wiadomości tego autora
    [ pokaż wszystkie nagłówki ]

    On 7 Wrz, 02:39, fatso <> wrote:
    > Skradlem te teksty od Anglikow na naszej grupie dyskusyjnej ADVFN:
    > Cheng Siwei, former vice-chairman of the Standing Committee and now head
    > of China's green energy drive, said Beijing was dismayed by the Fed's
    > recourse to "credit easing".
    > "We hope there will be a change in monetary policy as soon as they have
    > positive growth again," he said at the Ambrosetti Workshop, a policy
    > gathering on Lake Como.
    > "If they keep printing money to buy bonds it will lead to inflation, and
    > after a year or two the dollar will fall hard. Most of our foreign
    > reserves are in US bonds and this is very difficult to change, so we
    > will diversify incremental reserves into euros, yen, and other
    > currencies," he said.
    > China's reserves are more than -- $2 trillion, the world's largest.
    > "Gold is definitely an alternative, but when we buy, the price goes up.
    > We have to do it carefully so as not to stimulate the markets," he added.
    > The comments suggest that China has become the driving force in the gold
    > market and can be counted on to
    > buy whenever there is a price dip, putting a floor under any correction
    > jackpipe <pby.php?user=jackpipe>* - 6 Sep'09 - 22:45 - 69436 of 69439*
    > "Chinese TV has a large gold advertising campaign on the go"
    > What? Which channel? What I understand is there was a single news item
    > detailing how one could invest in gold and silver, probably coincident
    > with silver bars now being readily available at retail.
    > As usual, the gold pundits seem to have stocked this out of all proportion.
    > bhg <pby.php?user=bhg>* - 6 Sep'09 - 22:58 - 69437 of 69439*
    > The Chinese Gold Market
    > --From what I'm seeing from the ground, the Chinese government is
    > engaging in one of the most explosive financial marketing campaigns in
    > history. Instead of Maoist propaganda, though, they are attempting to
    > change the entire perception of gold/silver in the Chinese public.
    > Simply put, the Chinese government is trying to trigger a national gold
    > craze...and it's working.
    > The Chinese public now has gold trading platforms on steroids.--
    > Silver -
    > czyli, mowiac po polsku:
    > Ameryka usilowala wyzwyrtac bez mydla Chiny ludowe, zyla przez
    > dziesieciolecia z pracy
    > Chinczyka, ktory jest sprzedawal wszystko a bral w zamian amerykanski
    > papier dluzny.
    > Teraz gdy USA rozkrecily maszynke do robienia pieniedzy pod pozorem tzw
    > Quantitative Easing, Chinczyk widzi ze pomalu ten papier zaczyna sie
    > nadawac co jedynie
    > do podtarcia dupy. No wiec biega ten Chinczyk
    > po swiecie i stara sie pozbyc gdzie sie da tych pary trylionow dolarow.
    > Pewnie i do Polski zawita,
    >  podbije cene KGHM a caly koncern tez by wykupil gdyby mu tylko pozwolic
    > na to.
    > Wszak  lepsza miedz w ziemi niz papier toaletowy w reku.
    > Ciekawe jest, jak zauwazaja obserwatorzy w Anglii, ze Hong Kong wycofal
    > juz swoje zloto ze skarbcow
    > w Anglii, woli je trzymac na miejscu pod reka. Widocznie nie dowierzaja
    > tamtejsi Chinczycy ,ze w razie
    > zalamania systemu finansowego tutaj, ze nasz Kanclerz skarbu nie
    > siegnie  po ich zloto.
    > Powyzszy tekst po angielsku opisuje, ze w samych Chinach rozkreca sie
    > goraczka srebra i zlota.
    > Rezym pozwala szarym Chinczykom kupowac kruszce, ba- zacheca ich do
    > tego. Chinczycy sa chciwi
    > zlota i srebra, wiem cos o tym bo poczulem to sam w kieszeni.
    > Wniosek dla inwestorow w Polsce- jest dno pod cena zlota/srebra. Nie
    > moze juz spasc silnie bo wejdzie
    > rzad chinski i je podbierze. Jutro $1000 za uncje?
    > fatso


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