
eGospodarka.plFinanseGrupypl.biznes.bankiprzelew zagraniczny - jak najtaniej?Re: przelew zagraniczny - jak najtaniej?
  • Data: 2004-11-22 08:59:02
    Temat: Re: przelew zagraniczny - jak najtaniej?
    Od: Varg <v...@p...megapolis_invert> szukaj wiadomości tego autora
    [ pokaż wszystkie nagłówki ]

    "darek" <> wrote:
    > - wszystkoładnie pięknie, tyle że gdy podaję numer mojej e-karty
    > z mbanku to:
    > We're sorry, we're unable to process your transaction as your credit card
    > has been declined.
    > * Please note that not all Credit or Debit card issuing banks allow
    > international purchases. If you have questions about whether your card will
    > work for international payments, please contact your card issuer at the
    > number on the back of your card.
    > :-((

    Spróbuj wysłać na adres kontaktowy podany na stronie Bidpay'a coś w tym

    " My card is for Internet and MOTO transactions only. If you do not
    process the transaction as an electronic commerce or MOTO merchant (with
    proper indicators in the authorisation request), my bank will decline
    the transaction. In other words, if you send the authorisation request
    as if it was a standard key entered transaction, there will be no
    approval. Please check if you process the transaction properly. Please
    contact for any additional information."

    Prawdopodobmnie źle próbują wysłać zapytanie o autoryzację...

    Opisz oczywiście o jaki numer aukcji chodzi, itd.

    PS: odpisuj *POD* cytatem...

    Paved roads of deceit
    Leading to all life's directions
    So many went ahead
    Self-denial at their horizons
    (C) Pestilence - "Soul search"

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