
  • Data: 2003-04-22 15:08:37
    Temat: SHITIBANK:((((((
    Od: "user:\)" <> szukaj wiadomości tego autora
    [ pokaż wszystkie nagłówki ]

    We're sorry! We cannot issue you a Citi(R) Cash Card because the credit or
    debit card that was used to load funds onto the Citi Cash Card has been declined.

    Perhaps you did not copy down your card information accurately. If you think
    this may have happened, or if you want to use another funding source, please select
    Back to edit your funding source information and resubmit.

    For more information about why your credit card or debit card was declined,
    please contact the financial institution that issued your card.

    powyzszy komunikat dostalenm z Citibanku:(((((((
    dlaczego nie wiem. karta do ladowania elektronicznej karty Citi Cash US to VC PEKAO

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