
eGospodarka.plFinanseGrupypl.biznes.wgpwHop hop zlotko i srebro-lubyWarto kupowac GAL w Toronto bo taniej
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    Newsgroups: pl.biznes.wgpw
    Subject: Warto kupowac GAL w Toronto bo taniej
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    Date: Thu, 17 Sep 2009 18:00:12 +0100
    Xref: pl.biznes.wgpw:482333
    [ ukryj nagłówki ]

    fatso wrote:
    > podaje ciekawym obserwatorom: GAL dzisiaj spadal a ja dokupilem zloto
    > w ziemi.
    > Ostatni handeles na LSE jest moj(K20 GAL w ostatniej minucie po 5.75p.).
    > W sumie mam juz moja max pozycje 200K, nieco powyzej 6p srednia.
    > To jest 1 promil kopalni zlota! (liczba calkowita akcji 190 Mil)
    > Tak wiec nie wiadomo czy jestem Ksiaze czy Zebrak, to sie moze okazac
    > po tym
    > jak poszla prezentacja dla City Gornictwa swiatowego dzisiaj( wegiel
    > tez ale Bogdanki tam nie ma, szkoda).
    > fatso
    najnowsze wiesci sa chyba dobre. Jutro w gore!
    Podaje za minesite dzis wieczorem:


    September 17, 2009

    Another Packed Out Minesite Forum Gives Clear Indication That
    The Market For Junior Miners In London Has Recovered Its Poise

    By Alastair Ford

    "Next time", said Colin Bird of Jubilee Platinum
    "you'll have to hire the Albert Hall". Yes, as the City
    re-awoke from the supposed slumbers of summer, and got to
    thinking again of the seasonal autumn business of making more
    money, they came in droves to our 61st Minesite forum, packing
    out Armourers' Hall, squeezing in at the back, and spilling
    out into the hallway. For a moment or two, they were even
    turning latecomers away downstairs. But given that serial
    mining entrepreneur Willie McLucas - a man whose rosy physique
    suggests that in all probability he's past the first flush of
    youth - managed to slip through this supposed security cordon,
    enforcement can't have been that strict.

    Roland Phelps from Galantas Gold
    ml>kicked off the
    proceedings, outlining how, in spite of some heavy capital constraints,
    Galantas is hopeful of moving towards a resource base of over a million
    ounces. That sort of resource in the ground sure would act as a nice
    support to the company's production in Ireland, which is currently
    fairly small, but which, suggests Roland, might grow fairly rapidly,
    given a fair wind. Certainly, it's a nice time to be around in gold, as
    more than one of our speakers suggested. In that context, Roland fielded
    more than one question regarding Galantas's jewellery range of branded
    Irish gold. The jewellery market isn't that great at the moment, though,
    he said, precisely because prices are so high, and people are still
    suffering from the fall-out of the credit crunch. However, Galantas's
    products, which sell over the internet, are ideally targeted at an Irish
    American market that Roland estimated to comprise tens of millions of

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