1. Data: 2002-11-13 20:35:32
Temat: Zaufanie do bankow wirtualnych - ciekawe!
Od: "Michał 'Amra' Macierzyński" <m...@p...pl>
Niestety znowu tylko po angielsku (ale nie mialbym sily tlumaczyc). Jednak
baaardzo ciekawe moim zdanem.
Online banks are trusted far less than high street branches
Mark Obstfeld, 2002.11.13
Online bank brands are failing to gain the same trust as established high
street bank brands, according to new ICM research from brand consultants
Henrion Ludlow Schmidt.
In fact, trust in established, high-street bank brands has soared from 73
per cent to 82 per cent since the survey was last conducted in 2000, while
trust in more recently branded offerings has remained absolutely static at 7
per cent, despite high-profile launches and publicity.
Michal 'Amra' Macierzynski
www.prnews.pl - swiat e-bankow
2. Data: 2002-11-14 19:43:53
Temat: Re: Zaufanie do bankow wirtualnych - ciekawe!
Od: "janko" <m325@o2._NO_SPAM_.pl>
istotnie ciekawe.
Ciekawe, jak się te prawidłowości uwidocznią u nas
- np po wykupieniu Inteligo przez PKO... :-)