
eGospodarka.plFinanseGrupypl.biznes.wgpwjeszcze o wylamaniu sie(breakout) kruszcowjeszcze o wylamaniu sie(breakout) kruszcow
  • Data: 2009-12-01 22:29:05
    Temat: jeszcze o wylamaniu sie(breakout) kruszcow
    Od: fatso <> szukaj wiadomości tego autora
    [ pokaż wszystkie nagłówki ]

    Wlasnie dalem na angielska grupe dyskusyjna(zamknieta dla ogolu) taka
    analize sytuacji.
    Dobrze mowie?

    I watch the market in Poland.
    * They are major silver producers via their copper refinery. Some gold
    and platinum as well as a by-product. Should they choose to withhold
    their silver
    from LME then it would be significant, conducive to the price rise.
    * Poland has had a good press lately. Obviously the hard economic
    lessons were learned. In consequence it is the only country in the
    Eastern Europe which has escaped the recession. Even better still, it
    did report a modest growth in its economy.
    * In consequence salaries and expenditure are rising, more gold trinkets
    to be bought. There is a run now on the gold bullion. Editions of gold
    coins oversubscribed etc, something akin to India.
    * Bank of Poland has been ably managed by that economic scion, professor
    Balcerowicz, now under different management. I would be surprised if
    they would sit on their hands and do nothing with their reasonably
    strong dollar reserves.
    Sheer self interest would require to diversify and buy some gold in the
    open market. As to silver, they may just to siphon off those couple of
    thos of metric tons the country does produce per year.


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