
eGospodarka.plFinanseGrupypl.biznes.bankiJak nalicza mBank w eMAX i eMAX Plus ?
Ilość wypowiedzi w tym wątku: 12

  • 1. Data: 2008-01-23 20:53:52
    Temat: Jak nalicza mBank w eMAX i eMAX Plus ?
    Od: "ATK" <>

    Jak nalicza mBank odsetki w eMAX i eMAX Plus ? Czy ma znaczenie którego dnia
    miesiąca wpłace pieniadze, czy wpłace pieniądze 1-go, 7-go czy 25-go dnia
    miesiąca ?

    Czy jeśli mam 1000 zł i 15-go dnia miesiąca wpłace 100 zł, to czy dostane
    4.5%/12 od 1000 zł i dodatkowo 4.5%/12 /2 = 4.5%/24 od 100 zł ?


    Wysłano z serwisu OnetNiusy:

  • 2. Data: 2008-01-23 21:56:31
    Temat: Re: Jak nalicza mBank w eMAX i eMAX Plus ?
    Od: "K.K." <>

    > Jak nalicza mBank odsetki w eMAX i eMAX Plus ? Czy ma znaczenie
    > którego dnia miesiąca wpłace pieniadze, czy wpłace pieniądze 1-go,
    > 7-go czy 25-go dnia miesiąca ?

    Oczywiście ma. Naliczane są codzienne od salda o północy. Tylko
    kapitalizacja, czyli dopisywanie odbywa się raz w miesiącu, a konkretnie
    na jego koniec.

    > Czy jeśli mam 1000 zł i 15-go dnia miesiąca wpłace 100 zł, to czy
    > dostane 4.5%/12 od 1000 zł i dodatkowo 4.5%/12 /2 = 4.5%/24 od 100 zł ?
    > ATK
    Nie mam pojęcia co to za wzory, bo co tam robi liczba 12? Oprocentowanie
    jest podawane w skali roku i za rok przyjmuje się 365 dni i tak dziennie
    nalicza się 4,5%/365. Za cały 2008 rok wynosiłyby 366*(4,5%/365). Nie
    można wyliczać odnosząc się do miesiąca, gdyż ilość dni w miesiącu nie
    jest stała.

  • 3. Data: 2008-01-23 21:56:38
    Temat: Re: Jak nalicza mBank w eMAX i eMAX Plus ?
    Od: "S.T." <>

    > Jak nalicza mBank odsetki...?

    Najzwyczajniej, 1/365 stopy procentowej
    od salda na koniec każdego dnia z osobna.

    Wysłano z serwisu OnetNiusy:

  • 4. Data: 2008-01-23 22:03:44
    Temat: Re: Jak nalicza mBank w eMAX i eMAX Plus ?
    Od: "ATK" <>

    Rozumiem, dziekuje !


    Wysłano z serwisu OnetNiusy:

  • 5. Data: 2008-01-23 22:24:51
    Temat: Re: Jak nalicza mBank w eMAX i eMAX Plus ?
    Od: "K.K." <>

    > Rozumiem, dziekuje !

    Uwzględnij też kapitalizację, bo nie tylko twoje wpłaty, ale także odsetki
    dopisane do rachunku powiększają saldo od którego naliczane są następne
    Tłumaczy to dlaczego na lokacie/ rachunku wyżej oprocentowanym można mniej
    zarobić niż na lokacie/rachunku niżej oprocentowanym, ale za to częściej

  • 6. Data: 2008-01-24 07:24:06
    Temat: Re: Jak nalicza mBank w eMAX i eMAX Plus ?
    Od: jureq <>

    Dnia Wed, 23 Jan 2008 22:56:31 +0100, K.K. napisał(a):

    > Oprocentowanie
    > jest podawane w skali roku i za rok przyjmuje się 365 dni i tak dziennie
    > nalicza się 4,5%/365. Za cały 2008 rok wynosiłyby 366*(4,5%/365).

    Czy jesteś pewien tego 365 w dzielniku? W 2004 z ciekawości sprawdzałem i w
    części banków było 365 a w części 366. Nie pamiętam jak w mBanku.

  • 7. Data: 2008-01-24 08:21:35
    Temat: Re: Jak nalicza mBank w eMAX i eMAX Plus ?
    Od: "K.K." <>

    >> Oprocentowanie
    >> jest podawane w skali roku i za rok przyjmuje się 365 dni i tak
    >> dziennie nalicza się 4,5%/365. Za cały 2008 rok wynosiłyby
    >> 366*(4,5%/365).
    > Czy jesteś pewien tego 365 w dzielniku?

    Nie jestem pewien, więc wypadałoby sprawdzić.
    Ustawa Prawo Bankowe, art. 52 ust. 3
    "Do obliczania należnych odsetek od środków pieniężnych zgromadzonych na
    rachunku przyjmuje się, że rok liczy 365 dni, chyba że umowa stanowi

    > W 2004 z ciekawości
    > sprawdzałem i w części banków było 365 a w części 366. Nie pamiętam
    > jak w mBanku.
    Na naprawę pamięci najlepszy będzie regulamin mBanku.
    § 56. /---/ Przy obliczaniu odsetek od środków przechowywanych na rachunku
    przyjmuje się, że rok liczy 365 dni.

  • 8. Data: 2008-01-24 17:58:00
    Temat: Re: Jak nalicza mBank w eMAX i eMAX Plus ?
    Od: jureq <>

    unhinge the reason. The tone of voice affects the wisest, and
    changes the force of a discourse or a poem.

    Love or hate alters the aspect of justice. How much greater confidence has
    an advocate, retained with a large fee, in the justice of his cause! How
    much better does his bold manner make his case appear to the judges,
    deceived as they are by appearances! How ludicrous is reason, blown with a
    breath in every direction!

    I should have to enumerate almost every action of men who scarce waver save
    under her assaults. For reason has been obliged to yield, and the wisest
    reason takes as her own principles those which the imagination of man has
    everywhere rashly introduced. He who would follow reason only would be
    deemed foolish by the generality of men. We must judge by the opinion of the
    majority of mankind. Because it has pleased them, we must work all day for
    pleasures seen to be imaginary; and, after sleep has refreshed our tired
    reason, we must forthwith start up and rush after phantoms, and suffer the
    impressions of this mistress of the world. This is one of the sources of
    error, but it is not the only one.

    Our magistrates have known well this mystery. Their red robes, the ermine in
    which they wrap themselves like furry cats, the courts in which they
    administer justice, the fleurs-de-lis, and all such august apparel were
    necessary; if the physicians had not their cassocks and their mules, if the
    doctors had not their square caps and their robes four times too wide, they
    would never have duped the world, which cannot resist so original an
    appearance. If magistrates had true justice, and if physicians had the true
    art of healing, they would have no occasion for square caps; the m

  • 9. Data: 2008-01-24 18:37:23
    Temat: Re: Jak nalicza mBank w eMAX i eMAX Plus ?
    Od: "K.K." <>

    and that falsehood...

    922. Probable.--Let us see if we seek God sincerely, by comparison of the
    things which we love. It is probable that this food will not poison me. It
    is probable that I shall not lose my action by not prosecuting it...

    923. It is not absolution only which remits sins by the sacrament of
    penance, but contrition, which is not real if it does not seek the

    924. People who do not keep their word, without faith, without honour,
    without truth, deceitful in heart, deceitful in speech; for which that
    amphibious animal in fable was once reproached, which held itself in a
    doubtful position between the fish and the birds...

    It is important to kings and princes to be considered pious; therefore they
    must confess themselves to you.


    [1]"Abstain and uphold." Stoic maxim.

    2Petronius, 90. "You have spoken more as a poet than as a man."

    [3]"Nothing in excess."

    [4]Horace, Epistle to the pisos, 447. "They curtailed pretentious

    5Title given by Pico della Mirandola to one of his proposed nine hundred
    theses, in 1486.

    [6]Tacitus, Annals, iv. "Kindnesses are agreeable so long as one thinks them
    possible to render; further, recognition makes way for hatred."

    7St. Augustine, City of God, xxi. 10. "The manner in which the spirit is
    united to the body can not be understood by man; and yet it is man."

    [8]Virgil, Georgics, ii. "Happy is he who is able to know the causes of

    [9]Horace, Epistles, I. vi. 1. " To be astonished at nothing is nearly the
    only thing which can give and conserve happiness."

    [10]Cicero, D

  • 10. Data: 2008-01-24 20:23:32
    Temat: Re: Jak nalicza mBank w eMAX i eMAX Plus ?
    Od: jureq <>

    of the
    Messiah--that then they shall no more remember the Red Sea; that the Jews
    and the Gentiles shall be mingled.

    6. Proof by the key which Jesus Christ and the Apostles give us.

    643. Isaiah 51. The Red Sea an image of the Redemption. Ut sciatis quod
    filius hominis habet potestatem remittendi peccata... tibi dico: Surge.116
    God, wishing to show that He could form a people holy with an invisible
    holiness, and fill them with an eternal glory, made visible things. As
    nature is an image of grace, He has done in the bounties of nature what He
    would do in those of grace, in order that we might judge that He could make
    the invisible, since He made the visible excellently.

    Therefore He saved this people from the deluge; He has raised them up from
    Abraham, redeemed them from their enemies, and set them at rest.

    The object of God was not to save them from the deluge, and raise up a whole
    people from Abraham, only in order to bring them into a rich land.

    And even grace is only the type of glory, for it is not the ultimate end. It
    has been symbolised by the law, and itself symbolises glory. But it is the
    type of it, and the origin or cause.

    The ordinary life of men is like that of the saints. They all seek their
    satisfaction and differ only in the object in which they place it; they call
    those their enemies who hinder them, etc. God has then shown the power which
    He has of giving invisible blessings, by that which He has shown Himself to
    have over things visible.

    644. Types.--God, wishing to form for Himself an holy people, whom He should
    separate from all other natio

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