1. Data: 2002-11-13 08:20:04
Temat: Maly OT
Od: "Michał 'Amra' Macierzyński" <m...@p...pl>
huh - fajnie maja...
Government to provide tax payment certificates on the web
Editor: Bobby Mohanty
Tax payers in Navarra, a northern Spanish province, can now obtain their tax
exemption certificates through the internet.
Through a new government pilot initiative, tax payers can print out the
legally valid certificate and authenticate the form by keying in their code
numbers on the Department of the Treasury's website.
The process of issuing such certificates currently accounts for 30 per cent
of the work of the tax department. This is expected to be shortened
considerably with the new approach.
To use this method it is necessary for tax payers to get their digital
signatures from the Spanish Mint. Authorities in Navarra say that this will
be made available in the current year.
Last year more than 1.1m Spanish people paid their tax through the internet.
Michal 'Amra' Macierzynski
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