
eGospodarka.plFinanseGrupypl.biznes.bankiRe: 2guys1cup
Ilość wypowiedzi w tym wątku: 1

  • 1. Data: 2008-01-24 21:44:58
    Temat: Re: 2guys1cup

    of knowing and loving God,
    but the power of the foolishness of the cross without wisdom and signs, and
    not the signs without this power. Thus our religion is foolish in respect to
    the effective cause and wise in respect to the wisdom which prepares it.

    588. Our religion is wise and foolish. Wise, because it is the most learned
    and the most founded on miracles, prophecies, etc. Foolish, because it is
    not all this which makes us belong to it. This makes us, indeed, condemn
    those who do not belong to it; but it does not cause belief in those who do
    belong to it. It is the cross that makes them believe, ne evacuata sit
    crux.103 And so Saint Paul, who came with wisdom and signs, says that he has
    come neither with wisdom nor with signs; for he came to convert. But those
    who come only to convince can say that they come with wisdom and with signs.


    589. On the fact that the Christian religion is not the only religion.--So
    far is this from being a reason for believing that it is not the true one
    that, on the contrary, it makes us see that it is so.

    590. Men must be sincere in all religions; true heathens, true Jews, true

    591. J. C.
    Heathens | Mahomet
    \ . . . . . . . . . . . . . /
    Ignorance of God
    592. The falseness of other religions.--They have no witnesses. Jews have.
    God defies other religions to produce such signs: Isaiah 43:9; 44:8.

    593. History of China.--I believe only the histories, whose witnesses got
    themselves killed.

    Which is the more credible of the two, Moses or China?

    It is not a question of seeing this summarily. I tell you there is in it
    something to blind, and something to enlighten.

    By this one word I destroy all your reasoning. "But China obscures," say
    you; and I answer, "China

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