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From: "Robert" <m...@k...wp.pl>
Newsgroups: pl.biznes.banki
Subject: Re: BIG BANK
Date: Tue, 21 May 2002 16:32:53 +0200
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[ ukryj nagłówki ]Wojciech Nawara <w...@p...onet.pl> pisze:
> Mam sprawę - kiedyś widziałem w jakiejś anglojęzycznej stacji news
> reklamę banku. Hasło brzmiało - big world need a big bank...
Dokładnie to: "a big world needs a big bank"
> Z czystej ciekawości - pamiętacie może o co chodziło?
Barclays Bank
np. tu:
"Barclays says "A Big World Needs A Big Bank". Okay, granted we do live
in a big world these days (although thankfully the old theory about
everywhere being one flat place has long gone) but are they really that
big a bank? They seem to think so. They spend a lot of money on hiring
the famous actor Anthony Hopkins to publicise how big they are. Big
deal. The reality for many Barclays customers, most of them who have
banked with them all their lives, is that the bank only cares about it's
"big" status and seems not very much to care less about the grass roots
on which all businesses are founded. In April of this year, Barclays
closed down, all at once, almost two hundred rural branches stating that
they weren't economically sound enough to operate anymore. "
albo tu:
> W nagrodę stawiam piwo. :)
a big one? ;)
Następne wpisy z tego wątku
- 21.05.02 15:03 Wojciech Nawara
- 21.05.02 15:11 Robert
- 21.05.02 15:29 Wojciech Nawara
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