
eGospodarka.plFinanseGrupypl.biznes.bankiBanki on-line (NIE-polskie)Re: Banki on-line (NIE-polskie)
  • Data: 2005-06-15 23:01:23
    Temat: Re: Banki on-line (NIE-polskie)
    Od: AP <> szukaj wiadomości tego autora
    [ pokaż wszystkie nagłówki ]

    In article <d8qaak$e50$>,
    > Witam,
    > Czy ktos z Szanownych Grupowiczow orientuje sie moze, czy istnieja banki, w
    > których MY (Wspolnotowi wszak Europejczycy) moglibysmy otwierac konta
    > on-line w sposob w jaki robi sie to w przypadku Inteligo badz mBanku?
    > Probowalem wszystkie banki w Anglii i wiekszosc w USA (lacznie z Hawajami)
    > ale powiedzieli mi, ze:
    > 1. w Anglii nie da sie zrobic bez "naziemnej" (fizycznej) obecnosci w
    > ktoryms z odzialow danego banku ;(
    > 2. w USA trzeba byc "tambylcem" albo chic miec zielona karte, a tak naprawde
    > chodzi o posiadanie Social Security ;(.

    Jesli chodzi o USA (dla nie-rezydentow). Moj znajomy otworzyl rachunek w
    Bank of America bez zadnego SSN. Musial tylko wypelnic certyfikat
    nierezydencji (W8-BEN). POnizej cytaty z dwoch stron internetowcyh Chase
    i Wells Fargo


    1. Chase ...
    In order to expedite your application, please be sure to follow the
    steps below, complete the appropriate forms, and mail them to:

    1. Fill out and sign the Relationship Account Application Form and
    Signature Card. Remember, if you're applying for a joint account, both
    parties must sign both forms. If you are opening more than one account,
    please sign and return two signature cards.
    2. Have your signature on the Signature Card notarized or verified by
    your local U.S. Consulate at your U.N. Financial Counselor Office, or at
    your local Apostile. Either office should apply their official seal.

    * Non-U.S. citizens must complete the W8-BEN tax form.
    * U.S. citizens must complete the W9 tax form.

    1. Fill out and sign the Client Information Form.
    2. Complete and sign the Client Authorization Agreement enabling
    Chase to carry out instructions that you give by phone, fax or mail.
    3. Include the Bank Reference Letter form completed and signed by
    your bank.
    4. Include current passport photocopies for all applicants.
    5. If you would like to request additional products or services, such
    as Bill Pay or Custom Mail, be sure to include the appropriate

    * Be sure to enclose your initial deposit to be placed into your
    account. Your deposit check should be payable in U.S. dollars and made
    out to yourself—not to JPMorgan Chase Bank, N.A.. You should also
    endorse the back of your check and write "For Deposit Only" below your

    2. Wells Fargo:

    Wells Fargo International Personal Banking (IPB) is a virtual, retail
    branch that offers a suite of US dollar financial solutions to
    international customers. If you are a foreign national moving to the US
    or a US citizen going abroad, we can make international banking easier
    and more convenient.

    Available Financial Solutions

    The IPB Fact Sheet (PDF*) includes information about the benefits of
    IPB's services and financial solutions available to you.

    * Checking accounts with Check Card and available overdraft
    * Savings or money market accounts with ATM card
    * Time deposit (CD) accounts
    * Domestic and international wire transfers
    * Online banking available with US Bill Pay1
    * Foreign currency exchange services
    * Specialized credit programs for foreign nationals such as credit
    cards, auto loans, and mortgages2
    * Access to other Wells Fargo products and services including
    investments3, wealth management, and insurance4

    Contact us to speak to one of our multilingual Client Relationship
    Apply for an IPB Account
    If you are an individual applying on your own, or an employee
    participant in the International Assignee Program (IAP), you may apply
    here. In order to apply for an IPB account, you must match one of these

    * You are a foreign national living in the US, or preparing to move
    to the US, to work, study or live, or
    * You are a US citizen living abroad, or preparing to move abroad,
    to work, study or live

    Apply Now

    International Assignee Program (IAP) for Global Companies
    IPB also offers a specialized program for global companies that are
    relocating employees internationally. Contact us to see how we can
    customize a financial services program for your international assignees.
    Apply now if you are an employee whose company is participating in this
    program and wish to open an account.

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