
eGospodarka.plFinanseGrupypl.biznes.bankiCzy ktoś ćwiczył chargeback zapłaty przez Curve?Re: Czy ktoś ćwiczył chargeback zapłaty przez Curve?
  • Data: 2023-05-18 16:22:43
    Temat: Re: Czy ktoś ćwiczył chargeback zapłaty przez Curve?
    Od: peter kenethy <> szukaj wiadomości tego autora
    [ pokaż wszystkie nagłówki ]

    On Thursday, 18 May 2023 at 00:07:06 UTC+1, Eneuel Leszek Ciszewski wrote:
    > W dniu 17 maj 2023 o 18:00, Eneuel Leszek Ciszewski pisze:
    > > <-- kolejny film tego
    > > kanału
    > > Nie jestem zbyt mocny w temacie, ale wg mnie bardzo dobry kanał i bardzo
    > > dobrze prezentowana rzeczywistość za naszą granicą...
    > Bachmut (cytadela) padł...
    > --
    > `_._ _,-'""`-._ .`'.-. ._. .-.
    > (,-.`._,'( |\`-/| '.'O`-,` .,; o.' '.O_'
    > `-.-' \ )-`'( , o o) `-:`-'.'.`\.'.' ~'~'~'~'~'~'~'~'~'~' o.`.f
    > -bf- `- \`_`"'-.o'\:/.d`|'.p \;.,. ..\|/..
    I am Mrs Tasha Ryan From France But i married to late Mr.David Ryan in Cote D'Ivoire
    West Africa after our marriage for quite 21 years we couldn't produce any child, and
    my late husband was an international business man , may his soul rest in peace.
    Before his death two years ago

    i have been suffering from cancer of breast, which have took me so much money and
    nothing was done to cure it after all the treatment i have been taking, to my
    greatest surprise some days ago my doctor told me that i may not live more than two
    months as the result of the sickness. We deposit the amount of $13.5million US
    dollars in one of the banks here in Cote D'Ivoire West Africa for our business before
    my late husband died,

    and now I decide to use it for the help of the less privileges like poor widows,
    ophans, disables and build churches. as result of my short stay on earth, since we
    couldn't produce any child to inherit the money as next of kin and our properties.
    Now Ii was touched in spirit to donate the money to you for the good work of God.
    Please this is my email address for more information: ( ).

    Am looking forward to your prompt reply.

    Mrs Tasha Ryan.

    My Dearest,

    I am contacting you to let you know my desire to establish a charity foundation in
    your country with this sun of $13.5, Million us Dollars which I inherited from my
    late husband (Mr.David Ryan) Please I will be glad to know your opinion on this
    mission project, so that I will forward you all the details about the funds. Please
    this is my email address for more information: (

    Am looking forward to your prompt reply.

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