
eGospodarka.plFinanseGrupypl.biznes.bankiEmail money w BRE...Re: Email money w BRE...
  • Data: 2002-06-16 08:23:58
    Temat: Re: Email money w BRE...
    Od: "AMRA" <> szukaj wiadomości tego autora
    [ pokaż wszystkie nagłówki ]

    > Inteligo traci kolejny 'atut'. Otoz nie bedzie trzeba korzystac z uslug
    > Inteligo aby przeslac pieniadze emailem :).

    To ja tak dodam jeszcze bo to w temacie :)

    PayPal Passes Inspection by New York Banking Department
    PayPal Inc. reported that on June 7, 2002, it received a letter from the New
    York Banking Department about the legality of its business model. The
    Department concluded, based on its review of PayPal's business model and the
    relationship between PayPal and its customers created by the PayPal User
    Agreement, that PayPal is not currently engaged in illegal banking in New
    York state. The Department encouraged PayPal to submit an application to
    obtain a New York money transmitter license as soon as practicable. PayPal
    said it expects to submit an application by the end of the month.

    PayPal also announced that it is on track to meet or slightly exceed
    previously announced estimates of results for the quarter ending June 30,
    2002, and has filed with the SEC for a secondary offering of common stock.

    P.S. LEdwo zyje. Po wczorajszym paintballu ledwo kostka ruszam (ale to juz
    po poziomym bungiii ;))) Ale dalej ostro cwicze :) Odmeldowuje sie znowu do
    poniedzialku wieczorem!

    Amra the Freelancer - wiadomosci z e-bankowosci - moja strona o Egipcie

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