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    and that falsehood...

    922. Probable.--Let us see if we seek God sincerely, by comparison of the
    things which we love. It is probable that this food will not poison me. It
    is probable that I shall not lose my action by not prosecuting it...

    923. It is not absolution only which remits sins by the sacrament of
    penance, but contrition, which is not real if it does not seek the

    924. People who do not keep their word, without faith, without honour,
    without truth, deceitful in heart, deceitful in speech; for which that
    amphibious animal in fable was once reproached, which held itself in a
    doubtful position between the fish and the birds...

    It is important to kings and princes to be considered pious; therefore they
    must confess themselves to you.


    [1]"Abstain and uphold." Stoic maxim.

    2Petronius, 90. "You have spoken more as a poet than as a man."

    [3]"Nothing in excess."

    [4]Horace, Epistle to the pisos, 447. "They curtailed pretentious

    5Title given by Pico della Mirandola to one of his proposed nine hundred
    theses, in 1486.

    [6]Tacitus, Annals, iv. "Kindnesses are agreeable so long as one thinks them
    possible to render; further, recognition makes way for hatred."

    7St. Augustine, City of God, xxi. 10. "The manner in which the spirit is
    united to the body can not be understood by man; and yet it is man."

    [8]Virgil, Georgics, ii. "Happy is he who is able to know the causes of

    [9]Horace, Epistles, I. vi. 1. " To be astonished at nothing is nearly the
    only thing which can give and conserve happiness."

    [10]Cicero, D

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