
eGospodarka.plFinanseGrupypl.biznes.bankiNordea Spektrum - nowy ROR banku NordeaRe: Nordea Spektrum - nowy ROR banku Nordea
  • Data: 2008-01-24 19:45:54
    Temat: Re: Nordea Spektrum - nowy ROR banku Nordea
    Od: Bartosz 'xbartx' Nowakowski <> szukaj wiadomości tego autora
    [ pokaż wszystkie nagłówki ]

    sceptre was not interrupted by the captivity in
    Babylon, because the return was promised and foretold.

    638. Proofs of Jesus Christ.--Captivity, with the assurance of deliverance
    within seventy years, was not real captivity. But now they are captives
    without any hope.

    God has promised them that, even though He should scatter them to the ends
    of the earth, nevertheless, if they were faithful to His law, He would
    assemble them together again. They are very faithful to it and remain

    639. When Nebuchadnezzar carried away the people, for fear they should
    believe that the sceptre had departed from Judah, they were told beforehand
    that they would be there for a short time, and that they would be restored.
    They were always consoled by the prophets; and their kings continued. But
    the second destruction is without promise of restoration, without prophets,
    without kings, without consolation, without hope, because the sceptre is
    taken away for ever.

    640. It is a wonderful thing, and worthy of particular attention, to see
    this Jewish people existing so many years in perpetual misery, it being
    necessary as a proof of Jesus Christ both that they should exist to prove
    Him and that they should be miserable because they crucified Him; and though
    to be miserable and to exist are contradictory, they nevertheless still
    exist in spite of their misery.

    641. They are visibly a people expressly created to serve as a witness to
    the Messiah (Isaiah 43:9; 44:8). They keep the books, and love them, and do
    not understand them. And all this was foretold; that God's judgments are
    entrusted to them, but as a sealed book.


    642. Proof of the

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