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From: "Virck" <V...@v...net>
Newsgroups: pl.biznes.wgpw
References: <gmup3e$9n1$1@inews.gazeta.pl>
Subject: Re: W ciągu najbliższych miesięcy złoty będzie się umacniać.
Date: Wed, 11 Feb 2009 16:08:39 +0100
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[ ukryj nagłówki ]Tak...sure.....To sobie poczytaj....
By Shiyin Chen and Yon Pulkrabek
Feb. 11 (Bloomberg) -- Jim Rogers, chairman of Rogers
Holdings, is shunning investing in eastern Europe on concern the
region's economies will deteriorate further. Poland's zloty and
the Czech koruna reversed earlier gains.
"Eastern Europe is a mess," Rogers said, speaking in a
Bloomberg interview in Singapore. "Probably, the worst is yet to
come there, though that applies everywhere."
The zloty declined 0.6 percent to 4.5781 against the euro
and at 1:36 p.m. in Warsaw, and the koruna slipped to 28.684
versus the euro, from 28.656 yesterday. The Hungarian forint
extended its retreat, falling as much as 1.1 percent to 296.42
per euro.
Currencies of the European Union's eastern members have
plummeted since the beginning of the year as the worst global
financial crisis since the Great Depression cuts demand for their
exports to western Europe and dries up credit and investment. The
Hungarian forint, Polish zloty, Romanian Leu and Czech koruna
trail only the Russian ruble in losses against the euro among 25
emerging-market currencies tracked by Bloomberg.
"Expectations had been aroused dramatically since the fall
of communism," Rogers said. "There are going to be lots more
dashed expectations. There were huge loans taken out in central
Europe with crazy expectations."
Czech industrial output sank 14.6 percent in December, more
than economists estimated, as companies suffer from the slowdown
in the euro region, the nation's statistic office said today. The
jobless rate rose to 6.8 percent in January, near a two-year high.
Worst Slowdown
In Hungary, a report last week showed industrial production
slumped the most in December since at least 1991, the latest
evidence the economy is headed for its worst decline in 15 years.
Growth in Poland's economy, the biggest among the new EU-member
countries, may slow to 1.7 percent in 2009, about one-third of
last year's pace, according to the government's worst-case
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