
eGospodarka.plFinanseGrupypl.biznes.bankidlug na karcie kredytowej za granica - pytanieRe: dlug na karcie kredytowej za granica - pytanie
  • Data: 2008-01-24 18:15:15
    Temat: Re: dlug na karcie kredytowej za granica - pytanie
    Od: Krystek <> szukaj wiadomości tego autora
    [ pokaż wszystkie nagłówki ]

    influence on their bodies, and given
    disturbance to animal nature. The awful apprehensions persons have had
    of their misery, have for the most part been increasing, the nearer they
    have approached to deliverance; though they often pass through many
    changes and alterations in the frame and circumstances of their minds.
    Sometimes they think themselves wholly senseless, and fear that the
    Spirit of God has left them, and that they are given up to judicial
    hardness; yet they appear very deeply exercised about that fear, and are
    in great earnest to obtain convictions again.

    Together with those fears, and that exercise of mind which is rational,
    and which they have just ground for, they have often suffered many
    needless distresses of thought, in which Satan probably has a great
    hand, to entangle them, and block up their way. Sometimes the distemper
    of melancholy has been evidently mixed; of which, when it happens, the
    tempter seems to take great advantage, and puts an unhappy bar in the
    way of any good effect. One kn

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