Data: 2011-09-21 10:01:40
Temat: Re: TLS/SSL złamane? Będzie się działo
Od: xbartx <b...@h...net> szukaj wiadomości tego autora
[ pokaż wszystkie nagłówki ]Dnia Wed, 21 Sep 2011 01:39:27 -0500, witek napisał(a):
> wyciales kawalek artykulu, tak zeby bylo sensacyjnie. tytul rowniez
> wsadziles sensacyjny.
> eot
I specjalnie dla Ciebie, żeby było jeszcze bardziej sensacyjnie,
złowieszczo i katastroficznie.
Przeglądarka Chromium (wersja rozwojowa Google Chrome):
15.0.871.0 (Developer Build 99583 Linux) Ubuntu 10.04
*BRE Bank SA (www.mbank.com.pl)*
The identity of BRE Bank SA at Warszawa, Mazowieckie PL has been verified
by VeriSign Class 3 Extended Validation SSL CA.
Your connection to www.mbank.com.pl is encrypted with 112-bit encryption.
*The connection uses TLS 1.0.*
The connection is encrypted using 3DES_EDE_CBC, with SHA1 for message
authentication and RSA as the key exchange mechanism.
The connection is not compressed.
The server does not support the TLS renegotiation extension.
*Alior Bank S.A. (aliorbank.pl)*
The identity of Alior Bank S.A. at Warszawa, PL has been verified by
Entrust Certification Authority - L1E.
Your connection to aliorbank.pl is encrypted with 256-bit encryption.
*The connection uses TLS 1.0.*
The connection is encrypted using AES_256_CBC, with SHA1 for message
authentication and RSA as the key exchange mechanism.
The connection is not compressed.
The server does not support the TLS renegotiation extension.
*PayPal, Inc. (www.paypal.com)*
The identity of PayPal, Inc. at San Jose, California US has been verified
by VeriSign Class 3 Extended Validation SSL CA.
Your connection to www.paypal.com is encrypted with 256-bit encryption.
*The connection uses TLS 1.0.*
The connection is encrypted using AES_256_CBC, with SHA1 for message
authentication and RSA as the key exchange mechanism.
The connection is not compressed.
The server does not support the TLS renegotiation extension.
*eBay Inc. (signin.ebay.co.uk)*
The identity of eBay Inc. at San Jose, California US has been verified by
VeriSign Class 3 Extended Validation SSL CA.
Your connection to signin.ebay.co.uk is encrypted with 128-bit encryption.
*The connection uses TLS 1.0.*
The connection is encrypted using RC4_128, with SHA1 for message
authentication and RSA as the key exchange mechanism.
The connection is not compressed.
The server does not support the TLS renegotiation extension.
Jeżeli zapewnienia autorów aplikacji BEAST Thai Duong i Juliano Rizzo
okażą się prawdziwe to jakby nie patrzeć, będzie zamieszanie i to według
mnie dosyć spore.
Następne wpisy z tego wątku
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- 22.09.11 04:13 Kamil Jońca
- 22.09.11 14:25 Krystek
- 22.09.11 16:09 Wieśniak
- 22.09.11 19:04 a...@g...pl
- 22.09.11 21:17 xbartx
- 22.09.11 22:11 witrak()
- 23.09.11 20:17 Wojciech Bancer
- 24.09.11 09:27 xbartx
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