
eGospodarka.plFinanseGrupypl.biznes.bankiJak przeslac $ na PayPal?Re: Jak przeslac $ na PayPal?
  • Data: 2003-07-05 22:33:46
    Temat: Re: Jak przeslac $ na PayPal?
    Od: "AG" <> szukaj wiadomości tego autora
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    Making Payments - Payment Methods - Credit Cards

    Do I have to register a credit card or confirm a bank account in
    order to send money?

    Yes. For security reasons, you must add a credit card or add and
    confirm a bank account before you may send money with your PayPal account.

    Making Payments - Payment Methods - Bank Accounts

    Why can't my bank account be confirmed?

    PayPal does not allow confirmation from banks where our
    authentication method can not work as designed. We encourage members who
    have been unable to verify their PayPal account to register with another
    financial instituti

    Adding Funds

    Why may I only add funds from a confirmed bank account?

    To reduce the risk of failed transfers, PayPal requires
    that you confirm your bank account before you may add funds.

    Making Payments - Payment Methods - Bank Accounts

    Why should I confirm my bank account information?

    Confirming your bank account allows you to
    electronically transfer any funds from your PayPal account into your bank
    account. After confirmation, you may also choose to fund your PayPal account
    with money directly from your bank account (via electronic funds transfer),
    instead of using your credit card. In addition confirming your bank account
    will raise your sending limits.

    Making Payments - Payment Methods - Bank Accounts

    How do I add a bank account to my PayPal

    You can add a bank account from your Account
    Overview. Show me Show me Once you have added a bank account, you will be
    able to withdraw funds from your PayPal account to this bank account.

    You must also confirm your bank account in
    order to add funds to your PayPal account. PayPal automatically sends two
    deposits to each registered bank account. Each deposit is between $0.01 and
    $0.99. These deposits will usually appear in your account in 2-3 business
    days. To complete the confirmation process, you must enter the two amounts
    on our Confirm Bank Account page. This page will only appear in your
    "Activate Account" box after you have added a bank account. We have provided
    a list of customer service phone numbers for the largest U.S. banks to
    assist you.

    Making Payments - Payment Methods - Bank

    Will PayPal have access to withdraw funds
    from my bank account without my permission?

    No. PayPal will only withdraw or add funds
    with your permission

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