Data: 2009-05-02 04:33:20
Temat: Re: NTG - do Fatso - piękne słowa....
Od: fatso <f...@n...com> szukaj wiadomości tego autora
[ pokaż wszystkie nagłówki ]Endriu wrote:
Kolego, dyskusje o Zydach to obsesja was, Polakow.
Kiedys przezywano mnie od "polskich Zydow" i ja sie tym przejmowalem.
Dzis wiem, zem ja ani Zyd ani Polak a moja kultura, bialoruska , jest
wielonarodowa, przyjazna wszystkim.
Moja obsesja- i to od lat- to sprawa ukrainska. Poczytaj co o tym
napisalem dzis
rano facetowi o ksywie Babai. To ukrainski arystokrata z USA ,czlonek klanu
Szeptyckich- jesli ci to cos w ogole mowi. Jeden z nich byl polskim
generalem a drugi ukrainskim
kardynalem i swietym.
c...@h...com wrote:
> On May 1, 2:56 pm, fatso <f...@n...com> wrote:
>> c...@h...com wrote:
>>> Basically, innocent Ukrainians in Bieszczady paid for the sins of
>>> Ukrainians in Volyn. A sad situation hardly worth celebrating is it?
>>> regards,
>>> BM
>> And Karl Tenenbaum aka General Walther has become the hero to Poles.
>> The permanent drunk and psychopath who ineptly led IInd Polish Peoples Army
>> towards Dresden .If not for marshal Koniev, a real pro, the Poles would
>> be destroyed
>> at the very last weeks of war. The hatred towards the Ukes has been such
>> that this odious
>> figure has been genuinely mourned when killed in ambush by the banderovtsy.
>> Your Ukes did not find much succour in Chechoslovakia either. Those 500
>> Chechs murdered
>> by UPA, in the Volynhia, most innocent of any crimes against ukrainian
>> nation, did not become forgotten.
>> Chechoslovak border forces were hounding down like mad dogs those UPA
>> units trying to break towards
>> Austria. So you see: evil brings evil upon the evildoers.
> So what evil did the Ukrainian children in the Bieszczady do? Hatred
> was easily stirred among Polish and Ukrainian peasants towards each
> other, nothing new. Both sides behaved like Rwandans towards each
> other. Are you proud that your savages were the last to strike women
> and children?
> As for Czechoslovakia, an interesting story. Did you know that the
> Chekist general responsible for much of the work of 1968 was the
> younger brother of a girl who joined UPA and died within its ranks
> (and who, ironically, proudly belonged to the Polish family de
> Nalecz). He explictly stated that he did his job with pleasure, in
> revenge for what the Czechs had done after World War II.
>> Ukes have no place in Europe until they atone for
>> what they have done.
> The tricky part is that the most pro-European (and indeed, pro-Polish
> too) part of Ukraine is also the part that carries the mythologized
> view of UPA as being unblemished freedom fighters. Recent speeches by
> Ukraine's rightwing Svoboda Party's leader, in praise of UPA and in
> opposition to "Moskali", never once mention anything bad about
> Poland. Progress?
> You reject Ukraine at your peril. As Russia grows stronger Poland's
> situation deteriorates markedly. Imagine how Russia would act if it
> had 45 million more people, right up against Poland's border. And
> Obama, unlike Cheney, will not stand up for you. This is why Poland's
> elite have been so conciliatory towards Ukraine and not pressed the
> issue. Stupid Polish-Ukrainian conflicts reduced a great power into
> something like Czechia or Latvia.
> regards,
> BM
>> fatso
Babai, is that you? The only Ukrainian I came across with civility I
would not wish to abuse.
If so then let me tell you that at 62 yrs of age I am slowly tyding up
my earthly matters.
A couple of weeks ago I have been to Institute of National Memory in
Warsaw, to view my secret files.
And the files of my Mother, an authentic war hero, a high ranking member
of the Warsaw Uprising
divisional staff in the Home Army. Well, this woman has died clutching
in her hands the book upon
the battles of this organisation in the Volhynia.. Not against some
civilised oponents but against the rezuns,
subhuman in their blood thirst.
How can I feel an iota of sympathy today towards your Gen.Shukhevytch?
No doubt he did display all
the required virtues of a national leader. And as such he does carry the
stick for the heinous crimes committed
in the name of ukrainian nation by UPA. Should the outcome of war has
been different and the Volhynia
and Lwow retained by Poland then it would fall to my Mother no doubt, to
try and hunt your Shukhevytch
down. And to my Father, a state prosecutor, before, during and for a
period, after the war- to have him
tried and to have Shukhevytch humanly destroyed like a mad dog.
Also, it so happens that if not for the fact my parents were moved just
before the outbreak of the II W.W.
to Bialystock and have left Kovel, I would not be here to write those
As it is,without the atonement, the Ukraine has no place in our common
european home.
Have a look here, babai:
View this old picture taken by a young woman teacher in rezunlands of
Kovel in some magnification. This is the world of some peace
and stability under the benevolent polish rule. Ten years later they
were like savages, at each othr's throat.
Następne wpisy z tego wątku
- 02.05.09 08:08 Endriu
- 02.05.09 09:30 Dieter
- 02.05.09 11:09 fatso
- 02.05.09 20:05 Endriu
- 02.05.09 20:13 Dieter
- 02.05.09 23:31 Andrzej Lawa
- 03.05.09 01:49 fatso
- 03.05.09 04:41 Endriu
- 03.05.09 05:07 fatso
- 03.05.09 09:04 Dieter
- 04.05.09 05:05 fatso
- 04.05.09 07:29 olob kowalski
- 04.05.09 07:53 Endriu
- 04.05.09 08:47 fatso
- 04.05.09 09:00 fatso
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