
eGospodarka.plFinanseGrupypl.biznes.bankiBlakną mocno "Goldy" CitiRe: Blakna mocno "Goldy" Citi
  • Data: 2009-03-08 16:37:29
    Temat: Re: Blakna mocno "Goldy" Citi
    Od: "" <> szukaj wiadomości tego autora
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    On 8 Mar, 12:08, "MK" <> wrote:

    > Najbardziej chyba by mi odpowiadala ARC Travel Master CardŽ, ale chyba
    > niedostepna dla mnie.

    Chyba ze bylbym Twoim Parent/Guardian i zostaniesz "Student/Minor
    between the ages of 13 -17" :D

    (The Parent/Guardian will be classified as the owner of the account,
    however the name embossed on the card with be that of the Student/

    Tylko ze problemem bedzie pozniejsze zasilanie konta. No i nie jestem
    pewien, czy jestem gotowy na adopcje. :)

    Obawiam sie ze karty pre-paid podpadaja pod Patriot Act (dziekujemy,
    George W.!) bo wszedzie widze:

    Everyone is Accepted*

    *Subject to the U.S. Patriot Act

    czyli np.:

    The USA PATRIOT Act is a federal law that requires all financial
    institutions to obtain, verify and record information that identifies
    each person who opens a Card Account. What this means: When a consumer
    opens a Card Account, The Bancorp Bank will ask for the consumer's
    name, address, date of birth and other information that will identify
    the consumer. The consumer will need to provide his/her Social
    Security number if a U.S. citizen or personal Tax ID or passport
    number if a non-U.S. citizen. The Bancorp Bank may also ask to see
    your driver's license or other identifying documents.

    - dokladnie tak jak otwieranie konta bankowego / karty kredytowej.

    OK, chcesz karte "do klaserka" ;), planujesz jednorazowe wieksze
    zakupy, czy regularne zakupy?

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